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Old 02-05-2008, 06:44 PM posted to aus.gardens,rec.gardens.edible
Billy[_4_] Billy[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2007
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Default Large scale permaculture

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"FarmI" ask@itshall be given wrote:

"0tterbot" wrote in message
"FarmI" ask@itshall be given wrote in message

Tut tut. I'm sure you do care as I can't imagine that you could possibly
approve of the invasion of Iraq based on falsified information.

i didn't, i don't.

:-)) Thought not.

but i don't give a flying **** who the president of the usa is, & that's
the truth!! :-D whether i care or not i can't do anything about it, so i
therefore don't invest any energy in caring about any of them.

Well there is that. Given how sick I am of the coverage of the Democratic
contest, by the time the real contest comes round to elect the new
President, I don't think I'll give a flyer either.

honestly, all we are seeing is the bush effect - nobody in the world wants
to see anyone like that in power again, EVER.

Sorry to say but Bush isn't the problem. Bush is just the sock puppet
of the tidy rich in this country (World actually, what with
"globalization") who don't want to dirty their hands, so they buy
politicians (we call $$$ free speech) to pass their self serving laws
(bankruptcy laws were tightened 2 years ago, to make it harder to file,
coincidence?) and their press gives us infortainment which is short of
information but guaranteed to titillate (and act as if the past never
happened). And after irritating everyone (by sending jobs over seas,
diverting colossal amounts of money (which is sorely needed for social
programs: roads, schools, health care) to the military industrial
complex, sending pre-approved credit cards by mail to everyone,
exhorting us to buy houses, and diverting food crops into bio-fuels)
they point at the 12,000,000 illegal immigrants (who we can't do without
because they subsidize our dwindling life style) and say, "It's their
fault". No, Bush is just the hired help.
And now we get to choose from the lesser of three evils (eternal war, 5
more years of war with unwavering commitment to the ethnic cleansing of
Palestine, or health care that only an insurance agent could love (when
most doctors and citizens want single payer).
If the new government doesn't go after the malfeasance of this
administration, then we are all in deep doo.

(See first URL in signature to understand "Who Owns America". The second
URL is of our most supported ally and a template for America's futu-(

Hmmm. I'm not so sure that he doesn't still have a lot of supporters. I'd
like to think not but.....

(snip, chop, whack)

i think even rabid ideologues like howard were (grudgingly) aware of how
his incessant arse-licking of such an unworthy person reflected badly upon
himself. so he's doomed to be always associated with words like mean,
tricky, and cunning.

(snippety, snippety, snip)

Yes. I still have not forgiven most of our compatriots about the Tampa.
The majority seem to be a bunch of idiots given how often I heard the
line about 'queue jumping'.

oh dear. i think the truth is that most people worldwide are "a bunch of
idiots". truly. the modern world is ridiculously complicated & lots of
people simply can't keep up.

Especially when their governments and the media present them with bald
faced lies or information that is so freakin' skewed, that reality is
imperceptible. If you're a democratically elected leader of a country
that opposes American foreign policy, you're a militant. If you're a
ruthless dictator who supports American foreign policy, you're our ally
for peace.


but modern democratic types expect everyone to have a say, based on the
assumption (i suppose) that if a person is required to make a decision,
they'll probably put some thought into it, since it is going to affect
them. thus we try to drag each other up through the primordial slime :-)
it kind of works, doesn't it?

I have doubts about that and the Tampa is a good example of that. Foment it
into a "they're coming to get us" issue and dumb old Joe Public goobles it
up and screams "keep 'em out". Those who actually knew something about
illegal immigration and refugee issues were screaming that these people were
genuine refugees while stupid Joe Public was wittering on about "queue

In the case of the Tampa and much else in the past 11 years it was a case of
sinking backwards into the primordial ooze, not furthering the cause of
rational thinking or high human ideals.

Speaking of rational thinking, it was good to hear one of your
countrym . ., hehem, citizens, Helen Caldicott, on the radio last
thursday, . She is supposed to be starting a
new radio programm soon on KPFT, Huston .
Always refreshing to be exposed to reality.
