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Old 26-06-2008, 11:01 PM posted to rec.ponds.moderated
Galen Hekhuis Galen Hekhuis is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 314
Default pondscaping a dream pond

This is probably a poor time to mention this but I will anyway. Here
in northern Florida we have yet to break into triple digits. It's
gotten to 97-98, but it hasn't hit (or gone over) 100. It didn't last
year or the year before that either. I think maybe it did 3 years ago
or so, but I may have just dreamed that. The humidity is higher than
a lot of places, but this isn't the furnace some people imagine,
especially given our latitude. I think it gets hotter and more
miserable in places like New York (city), Chicago or Washington, DC.
By the way, we did get almost 1.5 inches of rain yesterday, and now
the big pond by the house (which had almost dried up) is back to being
a giant mud puddle. Maybe if we get 20 or 30 more inches it will fill

Galen Hekhuis