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Old 29-06-2008, 07:14 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
Jan Flora Jan Flora is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 234
Default Growing medicinal foods (was All my edible's are dying)

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Omelet wrote:

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Billy wrote:

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Omelet wrote:

Garlic is useful for female yeast infections as well.

I hear cranberry juice (not punch) is best.
ŕ ta santé

No, that's for urinary tract infections, not yeast infections...

I add cranberry juice to cocktails just because I like it. :-)

Yogurt and vinegar douche is the old remedy for Yeast, but garlic works
better. I've not been bothered by it for awhile but last time I did,
pigging out on garlic actually worked. I also recommended it to my best
friend last time she had a problem with it and donated 10 heads of
garlic to the cause. Fortunately, she _likes_ garlic! It worked for her
as well.

Eaten in recipes, NOT made into a douche.

Pardon for the semi-off-topic post, but one can grow garlic too. g
Like other foods, it's very medicinal.

Medicinal garden foods might make an interesting thread...
I have trouble growing garlic. I'm probably not doing it right.
Never been able to get it to "clove" for me, but onions did ok. They
seem to like sandier soil. But, with the cost of water here, it's
cheaper for me anymore to purchase most veggies instead of trying to
grow them. :-(

Hey Om -- go look at:

Since you're down there in hot, old Texas, you need to grow garlic
varieties that will thrive in your climate. The Filaree website explains
the different types of garlic and which ones do well down south.

There's at least one big, commercial seed garlic seller in Texas. You
can probably find them on google.
