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Old 25-08-2008, 10:40 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible,rec.gardens
Sheldon[_1_] Sheldon[_1_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 713
Default Is My Apple Tree Sick? (or how to take better care of it)

On Aug 24, 4:58�pm, "Ted Mittelstaedt" wrote:
As I mentioned, I have an Indian Summer crabapple tree that

is it's pollenator, and that tree produced a large number of
crabapples. �As you said, all apple trees need a pollenator -
where did that crabapple tree get it's pollen from if not
from this tree? �And if it got it from some 3rd tree in the area,
then why didn't this tree get it from that tree also?

Not all crabapple pollenates dessert apple well. Your crab apple
produces fruit because some crabapple are self pollenating. Your tree
produced some apples because most likely there is another apple tree
not too distant and one that's in blossom during the same period as
yours, but probably too distant to be an efficient pollenator, and
probably the wrong type of tree for your fruit to set well, so it will
drop. Check with a nurseryman to find out which type of apple tree is
recommended as a pollenator for yours, not all are compatible so don't
run out and buy just any old apple tree.

You need to do some research:

And your tree is
diseased because it's living in a garbage dump... sheesh, what a slob!

It IS diseased? That is what I was asking. �If your sure it is,
then what disease does it have?

Mold/fungus/mildew... even though visible manifesting itself in the
leaves still the entire tree is affected because it's in the soil
too. Clean up all that rotting stuff on the ground at the base of
your tree, that entire area looks very shabby... and it's plain to see
that your soil is very poor, looks like mostly sand and yellow clay
plus who knows what toxins were previously dumped there, especilaly so
near a property line, certain pinhead neighbors are apt to toss
whatever over the fence (you might want to have your soil tested).
And why are all those weeds growing at the base of that poor tree,
they're stealing water and robbing what little nutrients are
present... I can tell your soil is poor/toxic because even those weeds
are struggling. You have a lot of housekeeping to do and at least
apply a goodly amount of fungicide to the entire area, drench the
soil... then keep that area clean and tidy.