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Old 24-12-2008, 06:32 AM posted to
Somnial Somnial is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 8

John Varigos wrote:
Congratulations Somnial. Nicely resurrected.

As Tom said, there are still some of us here but the group is no where near
as active as it used to be. I guess that's what happens when bureaucracy
uses a broad brush to address a small problem.


Thank you indeed for the compliment.
I have been a lurker for a number of years and have noticed the
disappearance of many participants and simultaneously, the influx
of porn. So those who would protect us from it have accomplished
the opposite affect. I have gotten more practice in using filters.

Attached Thumbnails
from a NY, U.S.A. terrarium at winter solstice 2008-img00146.jpg   from a NY, U.S.A. terrarium at winter solstice 2008-img00148.jpg   from a NY, U.S.A. terrarium at winter solstice 2008-img00150.jpg   from a NY, U.S.A. terrarium at winter solstice 2008-img00151.jpg   from a NY, U.S.A. terrarium at winter solstice 2008-img00152.jpg