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Old 31-12-2008, 07:04 AM posted to aus.gardens
David Hare-Scott[_2_] David Hare-Scott[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 3,036
Default Roundup Zero effectiveness on Kikuyu grass lawn

FarmI wrote:
"YMC" wrote in message
"jones" wrote in message
IMHO I found Roundup sort of watered down and I would recommend
Zero out of the two. As I don't have a lawn I have used both for
weeds. Has anyone else found that with Roundup?

Are you using the concentrate or the pre-mix?

Sounds like the pre-mix to me.

If you buy glyphosate that is 360g/litre than it shouldn't make any
difference whatever the brand name is because it's all about the
concentration of glyphosate, not the brand.

Yup. Glyphosate is now out of patent (copywrite, whatever) so buying the
original "roundup" is not necessarily cost effective. Unless you want the
wetting agent, or the eleven secret herbs and spices.
