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Old 19-03-2009, 02:14 AM posted to aus.gardens
jonno jonno is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 47
Default Defeat for the bats, birds and possums.

a_nonny_mouse wrote:
David Hare-Scott wrote:
Trish Brown wrote:


I wonder whether a cutout shape of an eagle might work to keep
marauding birds away.

I have the real thing there too. They have a nest on the mountain but
don't spend much time here.

You could cut it out of fridge carton material
and hang it from a tree or fencepost. I'm only half joking. It
*could* work... y'never know until you try!

You may wish to hang some old cds around the trees / fence as
appropriate. A neighbour has pinched a few "coasters" from me in the
past. Says they help keep the 28s (parrot species) away from his plum
tree and other birds from his fig trees.

Haven't had the need myself as our fruit trees are of the citrus
variety. Oh, with the one exception of a self sown apple tree. We did
not know what it was, but for years it looked OK and kept the summer sun
off the end of the shed (west facing). Then a couple of years ago it
sprouted forth with a nice crop of sweet apples. As with the citrus,
bugs are the major problem.

Maybe so, perhaps a searchlight with and eagle cut-out, like the
Batman call sign.

Can just picture it
Made my day!

What about a scarecrow??? Now *that* would add a talking point to your
garden! ;-D

You'll be suggesting gnomes soon.

Too much.


keep smiling

A model plane to buzz em off?