Thread: ID this, please
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Old 29-06-2009, 03:11 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
Boron Elgar[_2_] Boron Elgar[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 218
Default ID this, please

On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 06:44:22 -0400, Pat Kiewicz

Boron Elgar said:

Something got planted in the deck garden and escaped a label. Since
several family members were digging through the seed envelopes (of
which there are at least 150, many with no photos or drawings) and
plating that day, I have (almost) no idea of what it is.

It was placed along side the pots that have lettuce spinach and
greens, so I am guessing it might be some sort of edible, but frankly,
it would be nice to confirm that. I have boldly tasted a leaf and it
is peppery - in fact, similar to a green pepper taste.

I have a bunch of Asian vegetable/greens seeds with no English on
them. Something along those lines perhaps? The leaves are not soft, as
spinach would be, they are bendable, surely, but more stiff. The
plants are about 12" tall right now.

Nevertheless, with all the fun had by everyone the day of planting,
this might be anything. Mystery can be interesting, I suppose. Please
don't let me lead you down the primrose path with the info above.

Any help is appreciated.

Are the stems round, or are they (at least slighty) square?

It almost looks like it could be some sort of exotic basil-ish sort
of thing, which would have square stems. But I can't convince
myself one way or the other, based on the pictures.

This may be on the right track, as I have some seeds for Holy (Thai)
basil, and, if I recall correctly from previous years, it doesn't
resemble the standard Italian-type basils at all. I'll check later on.