Thread: Umbrella Tree
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Old 29-07-2009, 04:59 AM posted to aus.gardens
Kate Spencer Kate Spencer is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2009
Posts: 6
Default Umbrella Tree

Hi Len and Jock

When I said it didn't actually "flower", I meant nothing with petals or
colour developed.
But getting on with the repotting, I will certainly follow your advice as it
is getting too big and heavy for me to handle and I like to keep the growth
thick because, as I mentioned, it is a privacy shield and will be needed
more so shortly as town houses are to be built directly next door.

On reading about this plant I can see why it is known as a menace and I
really don't need to see it develop any further, I was merely taken by
surprise that it was able to do anything other than just sit there looking

Thank you all for your advice


"len" wrote in message
g'day kate,

"in your original post you said this:
Those "growths" turned to little balls, turned black and now the crows
are enjoying them."

the way it sounds if they weren't fruit the crows wouldn't eat them.

anyhow moving on, this type of plant does not necessarily need potting
up or you could run out of pot sizes or a pot so large and heavy as to
be very unmangeable for moving about etc.

you could keep it very happy in say a 3gallon to 5 gallon tub for a
very long time simply by tipping it maybe every couple of years or
when pot bound is over obvious, cut off 1/3 of the root ball from the
bottom and remove 1/4 from each of 2 sides of the root ball, if some
of the medium falls away from other parts of the root ball you may
have to trim up enough (reckon you could remove a 1/4 alround with the
umbrella) to allow for new medium to be put in place.

so once you have trimmed it then renew the potting medium in the
bottom tamp if down a litttle to reduce settling, when you are happy
with the level of teh plant (the top of the root ball should be say
around 2"s below the rim to allow for watering, start little higher as
you will get some settling. then last put new medium at those 2 sides
and tamp it in also add some slow release into the side fill.

you can do this process for a very long time, the next time cut the
bottoma as the sae then do the 2 opposite sides, works with nearly all
palms well the common ones as well as the pony tail and any of the
ficus family, there will be others as well.

reckon you could keep it happy enough in even a 2 gallon pot for a
long time before potting on may be needed, at the end of the day when
it outgrows itself toss it away and buy another.

On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 07:22:33 GMT, "Kate Spencer"

With peace and brightest of blessings,

len & bev

"Be Content With What You Have And
May You Find Serenity and Tranquillity In
A World That You May Not Understand."