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Old 29-07-2009, 09:21 PM posted to rec.ponds.moderated
Galen Hekhuis Galen Hekhuis is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 314
Default A different perspective

On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 23:44:06 EDT, "ReelMcKoi" wrote:

"Galen Hekhuis" wrote in message
.. .
If the pond will not move to me, then I guess I'm gonna have to move
to the pond. Well, I'm not going to really move there, I just got a
building put back there and I'm gonna get AC power back there. The
building is going to be air conditioned, and has sliding glass doors
looking over the pond.........


Why not buy a used inexpensive travel trailer from Craig's list and pull
back there? They're like small motel rooms complete with beds,
AC, heat, sinks and stoves and even small fridges. You can get small
ones in good condition for less than $3000.

I thought about that, then figured it wasn't really what I wanted. I
used to live on a 27 foot yawl and years later on a 32 foot sloop, so
the close quarters don't bother me much. But I wanted a real
composting toilet (I know that sounds kinda strange for a priority,
but I sure didn't want to put in a drain field and I really didn't
want to fuss with a chemical toilet). Then there were other little
compromises I would have to make, so I considered it, and then decided
that the modifications I would have to make would be too much work,
and work is something I try very hard to avoid.