Thread: Chives question
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Old 28-10-2009, 05:05 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Christina Websell Christina Websell is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,869
Default Chives question

"Judith in France" wrote in message
Talking about herbs a few minutes ago reminded me that the chives are
now 2 years old and have made up into a sizeable clump. I want to
grow them in 2 positions, one for the flowers and one for cooking,
will half of the clump transplant well or should I start from scratch?

I've found they do split and transplant well but I'd be inclined to wait
until late spring.

This gorgeous weather here, 27 degrees here yesterday and pretty much
the same today has seen a fair bit of work going on in the garden.
The Acacia at the front of the house has been pruned, hard, 2 will be
left untouched as they provide a huge canopy in the rear garden. We
had lunch at a friend's house, only a few kilometres from here; it's
wonderful that we could sit outside, for several hours, talking eating
and drinking and of course laughing; without needing to put a sweater
on. What's the weather like in the UK. I expect Martin will have
weather pretty much like us and our Normandy posters will have weather
a bit mixed at the moment?

Weather here in my part of central UK is mild for the time of year. We've
had only one windscreen-scraping frost and I've only lit the woodburner a
few times.
It was 14C today, cloudy.
Hens have stopped laying until spring now, my youngest are 5 years old so I
need some new ones in the spring.
