Thread: Chives question
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Old 28-10-2009, 05:30 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Judith in France Judith in France is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
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Default Chives question

On Oct 28, 4:41*pm, David in Normandy
Judith in France wrote:
Talking about herbs a few minutes ago reminded me that the chives are
now 2 years old and have made up into a sizeable clump. *I want to
grow them in 2 positions, one for the flowers and one for cooking,
will half of the clump transplant well or should I start from scratch?

I just split mine. I've ended up with a whole row of them. Far too many
to eat. I tend to let them flower and go to seed too. The flowers are
really pretty. They tend to self seed too when left. A particularly
productive clump appeared on the gravel drive next to the herb border.
The only problem I've had with them is rust and a spray of fungicide
soon checked that - it just meant they couldn't be eaten for six weeks.
Still picking now though. Chives have a very long season here from early
Spring to late Autumn. I use lots. Good in everything from sandwiches to
stir fries and stews.

David in Normandy. *
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I use them in nearly everything also, an omelette bursting with them
is great. I also use the flowers to decorate the plate when serving a
fish pate.

Talking about rust, my hollyhocks, which are supposed to be rust
resistant got rust this year, too late to treat them now but next year
when they emerge from the roots, I will treat as I was told that they
will be affected again??
