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Old 15-11-2009, 04:08 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
alan.holmes alan.holmes is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 625
Default To pee or not to pee?

"aquachimp" wrote in message
On Nov 14, 7:00 pm, Sacha wrote:
On 2009-11-14 15:38:19 +0000, "alan.holmes"

I can't believe it's attracted all this comment, it's a non-question.

As we've all discovered, plant material composts. It sets off by
with or without urine. I've had as small an amount as a wheelbarrow
of weeds set off. Urinating on the compost stems from there being no
toilets on allotments. AFAIK it does no harm, but if you don't do it
stuff composts anyway.


Certainly but AIUI, it's acting as an accelerant. I must admit I don't
quite see why this compost is needed so quickly but.....!

There is some stuff on salecannot remember the name but it is marketed
as an
organic accelerant for compost and costs a bomb, what I don't understand
why people pay for it when it obviously comes free!


That's the theory behind this, of course but it still doesn't explain
why people need compost in *such* a hurry. ;-)
Shrubs & perennials. Tender & exotics.
South Devon

But, as already mentioned, if the compost acceleration is merely a by-
product to savings on water usage (loo flushing) then the focus is
environmental friendliness and not just to compost quickly

The problem with that theory in respect of this material, is that it has to
be diluted with water!
