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Old 01-12-2009, 12:09 PM posted to aus.gardens
FarmI FarmI is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
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Default And you want ME to shut up. See how it will affect you!

"David Hare-Scott" wrote in message
FarmI wrote:
"David Hare-Scott" wrote in message

REGARDLESS of GW or no GW we have to do it. Oil is going to run out.
Before it does it is going to become prohibitively expensive as
demand continues to grow, supply shrinks and the cost of extracting
less accessible reserves increases.

Did you recently see the show on the ABC which I think was called,
"The Story of Money" - I may have got the title wrong but it was made
by an Irish chap who covered much more than just money - there was
also a huge environmental element to the show? The last show of the
3 part series was titled 'Peak Everything'.

I keep thinking of this show given that we've just recently had news
of food having gone up 40% in 10 years, the ETS and the most recent
news that Australia is now building the biggest houses in the world.

No I didn't see it, I will have a look at the ABC web site and see what i
can find..

Sorry David, I gave you a bum steer. The show was actually called "Addicted
to Money". (I hunted through the old newspaper pile to find an old TVGuide)

This site gives a reasonable overview of the "Peak Everything" episode but
it is a bit skimpy on the emphasis the show gave to the (quite astonishing
given that it's a totalitarian state) moves that china is making on
environmental issues: