Thread: Quiet in here!
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Old 19-12-2009, 04:47 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David WE Roberts David WE Roberts is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 139
Default Quiet in here!

"Sacha" wrote in message
Too cold and icy for gardening? We had a white covering some parts of the
garden this morning - nothing horrendous but that east wind is absolutely
bitter still. I feel really sorry for those on the east coast, it must be
arctic for all of you.

It has been sub-zero all day today.
A relatively thin covering of snow, but it isn't going to go away any time
Today has beel lovely - bright and sunny - but not a day for gardening.
The much-mentioned outdoor tomato plants are now well and truly dead.

This has also stopped my outdoor construction work.
I still have some hardcore to put down, and then some concrete to lay.
However you shouldn't lay concrete at below 4C so by the time everything has
warmed up again Christmas will be under way.
Methinks I have a holiday until next year :-)

I can't remeber the last time we had snow (at least, laying snow) before
Christmas in coastal Suffolk.
Most years we don't get any snow at all, or only a brief fall which is gone
a few hours later.
I wonder if this is a harbinger of a long cold winter?


Dave R