Thread: Coffee grounds
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Old 12-11-2010, 03:16 PM posted to rec.gardens
gardengal[_2_] gardengal[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2010
Posts: 18
Default Coffee grounds

On Nov 11, 3:41*pm, Bud wrote:
Coffee frounds are great for alkaline soil. I put a lot around my
hydrangeas. I'm getting more redish blossoms.

Bud, you are getting reddish blossoms on your hydrangeas because the
soil IS more alkaline. Acidic soil is what is required to produce blue
hydrangea flowers. The UCG's are not going to have much of an impact
on existing soil pH - they are only just slightly acidic (most of the
acid is extracted with the liquid coffee from the grounds during
brewing) and it would take a huge amount of them to effect any
significant change. Generally, when an acidic based material is used
as a mulch - like the coffee grounds or pine straw - there is no
change to soil pH except a slight lowering at the soil surface.