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Old 25-12-2010, 02:51 PM posted to,,,rec.gardens
Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2010
Posts: 713
Default Outside Christmas LED Lights -- dull and weak....

Lil Abner wrote:
James wrote:
Ok, so this year I went out to buy some more outside Christmas lights. Much
to my surprise, I could not find any REAL lights, just the fake led lights.
I looked at all the big box stores, including Lowe's, Home Depot, and
Target. All I could find was the fake led lights.

So, I bought a set of led lights strings with C7 led lights. 50
lights on a string, total wattage of 3.7 watts. They say these are much
cheaper to run because of the low wattage. But, I have seen that you get
what you pay for. These lights are dull and weak looking.

Does anyone here know of any store that still sells real outside Christmas
lights, or have they all been outlawed too ?

Thanks for any info on where I can purchase non-fake Christmas lights !!

We have a number of really tasteful Christmas light displays, in the
neighborhood and in the little town across the river.
There are not too many of the tradtional lights around but they manged
to find some. health and energy kept ours to just lights in the windows
this year.
Hope you found what you were looking for.
Merry Christmas.

how do you get those stubborn reindeer hoof divots out of the lawn?
