Thread: So lonely...
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Old 04-01-2011, 07:22 AM posted to rec.gardens
FarmI FarmI is offline
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Default So lonely...

"Mysterious Traveler" wrote in message
On 01/03/2011 12:34 AM, Billy wrote:
In lecomsupplyinc,
"D. wrote:

Aiding and abetting the enemy in time of war, summary execution.

There are many who think these wars, and maybe even 9/11 itself, was a
crock. So our speaking-out against the war, may be construed as aiding
the enemy as well.

Does free speech no longer exist in this country??

What are we becoming, Don?

What are you an Idiot?

Wel he isn't but I'm sure there are a lot around.

I've been wondering if the US military is run by a bunch of complete

I find it absolutley astounding that a 23 year old Private had access to so
much information that has nothing at all to do with the military and while
he was stationed in Iraq. Manning wasn't in Washinton in some snug office
job but was stationed in what is effectively a combat zone.

That is simply astounding and beyond common sense. Heads should roll but it
should be at very senior levels. Of course it'll be a silly young Private
who gets crucified and the real incompetents who should be held accountable
will get away with it.

With free speech you can say anything you want
but taking classified information and giving it to the world is illegal
and the criminals need to be punished. If people in the US military
could choose what rules they want to uphold or break then the security
of our country is in jeopardy.

Security is obviously in jeopardy if some Private in Iraq had access to so
much information.

Terrorist depend on idiots like you to
aid them in their attacks against the US.

That is an insulting and ignorant remark given US Constitution.