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Old 16-05-2011, 12:18 AM
uriel13 uriel13 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2009
Posts: 144


Hi All,

It is necessary I think, that we begin growing heirloom crops again because F1, F2 and F3 hybrid seeds do not produce seed which can be saved for cultivation, as in such seeds don't grow true to type.

We must now look to this proven seed stock for our survival as they are the only seed stock type which can be saved which will grow true to type.

They may not initially give the yields of these hybrid varieties, but they can be cultivated at no cost other than seed stock saving.

As oil and its derivatives become more expensive so will the seed of hybrid cultivars which must be purchased year after year.

The multi-national companies have us locked into their products, if we want to go and grow our own way then it is essential the we return to heirloom seed stock.

Now many of the old varieties were subject to disease and low harvest potential, however we now have three new tools in our locker in the form of a Terra Preta type soil, VAM's and EM's.

This soil and these micro-organisms were not available in past, and it is my belief that we can produce greater and healthier crops from these old varieties.

The amendment of our soils with EM's, inoculated charcoal and VAM's in conjunction with home made compost inoculated with EM's will I believe produce heirloom crops which will benefit from this soil remediation.

It is also my belief that the use of diluted EM's as a foliar amendment to crops may give extra protection to these heirloom crops against succumbing to disease.

If we seed save those crops which prove to be unaffected by disease due to this foliar amendment and plant them in the next season their disease resistance will be enhanced.

I believe that once a plant recognises the disease resistance of such an amendment it will automatically seek to create a mutual symbiotic relationship with these bacteria. I maybe totally wrong but I think that any life form when presented with a means by which to sustain, and or, extend its life would do so!

The prime directive for all of Mother nature's life forms is, "do what you must do in order to survive as a species!"

Many of the diseases suffered by heirloom crops have not been properly addressed as to cause and effect. The primary cause of disease is lack of specific nutrients, and or, failure to effectively rotate crops.

I also believe that adding salt water to our EM cultivation techniques will supply these vital trace elements to our soil.

As I previously said we now have a superior soil type and a range of hand picked bacteria and fungi to aid us in the reintroduction of heirloom crops. The results of such a reintroduction would be breaking new ground in terms of the results.

We I believe will be the first to have tested these old varieties under such new conditions. Everything which we achieve will be new information in terms of growth, harvest, disease resistance and longevity within this soil and its amendments.

The most positive aspect about this is that we will be in control of our own destiny, nobody will have the right to say you can't do that. We will be taking the first steps into deciding what does and does not give us the results which we require.


The mind is like a parachute, its totally useless unless its open