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Old 29-05-2011, 06:38 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Dave Hill Dave Hill is offline
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Default Slug trouble ... but not in the garden!!

On May 29, 3:37*pm, Jake Nospam@invalid wrote:
On Sun, 29 May 2011 11:17:35 +0100, "Eurofeeds"

Slug trouble ... but not in the garden!!
We have slug trails across the lounge and kitchen floor every morning
(haven't seen one in the garden for ages). No idea where they're coming in -
any thoughts anyone?

There are slugs that will live indoors if the conditions are right.
They can actually be useful in indicating a problem such as damp. I've
traced a trail back to a bit of skirting in someone's house and then
found that there's damp behind it. So it's always worth checking for

Otherwise, they like kitchens (there are usually gaps to get behind
the kick boards or under the units) and they lie low in the day and
come out at night to feast.

Non damp-sorting solutions are clean up, particularly under the dining
table! Don't leave pet food down overnight and give the kitchen a good
clean, particularly removing kick boards if you can and getting under
units. You may actually find the culprit (good chance it's only one!).

Then if you have no pets or children, or can keep them out of the
rooms, put some slug pellets down around the trail "ends". Make sure
all pellets are removed in the morning before pets or children can
access the areas. Sweep them up onto something and then reuse them in
the night. With luck you'll sort the problem within a week. If it
persists longer, then damp becomes a more likely issue.

Some people suggest salt but that's messy and is unlikely to catch the
blighters - they'll recoil *from it and take another route.

I think that the slugs could be less trouble than the Kids and pets.