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Old 02-07-2011, 08:30 AM posted to,,rec.gardens
David Hare-Scott[_2_] David Hare-Scott[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 3,036
Default Rural Irrigation/Remote Faucets Methods ??

James wrote:
Thanks David, and the others. First, I don't know what a "nym" is,
but sorry....

You started of as James Nipper now you are just James

My faucets at the cabin are based on the cabin water system, which is
a well, with a pressure tank in the basement. I get good pressure (60
psi), and the poly pipe will not go uphill.

As for drilling a new well, come on guys, I am talking about watering
a few plants and bushes, I just dont' want to constantly drag hoses
around. That is all that this is about. I do appreciate all the
help, and I think that the polypipe is my best bet, although David's
last comments may make me consider smaller, perhaps 3/4 inch. BTW, I
don't need much pressure at the end, just enough to do some
light watering.

I was suggesting that 1" could be too small not too big. 3/4" will flatten
and kink more than 1" and has about half the capacity. It's the area of the
pipe cross section that is important so the capacity varies as the square of
the diameter. Go see that irrigation specialist.