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Old 23-08-2011, 06:27 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike'[_4_] 'Mike'[_4_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 3,959
Default Unidentified droppings

"alan.holmes" wrote in message

"'Mike'" wrote in message

"Jake" Nospam@invalid wrote in message
On Tue, 23 Aug 2011 09:58:12 +0000, LitteJ

Hi I am new to this site so bear with me.

I live in Dudley, UK. It's a fairly urban area. Back garden is on a
severe decline. Grass at the bottom bordered by conifers. Tiers at
intervals on the way down containing various different fillers eg grass,
shrubs, rockery.

We have recently (past few months) been replanting some of the tiers. In
the past 2 weeks we have noticed black tarry droppings on the steps, on
the retaining walls + on the rockery. They are smaller than a 10p,
liquidy (not dry)+have white or green around or in. I have pics but it
says not to post them on here + I don't have my own website. Will send
them to people if required. They do not look like rat droppings.

There are also larger droppings, dark, formed + about the size of 2 10p
pieces on the deck + grass at bottom of garden. We have a cat but they
do not look like cat faeces. They are not buried + appear to contain
plant matter. People are suggesting foxes? Could they both be from the
same animal?

The reason I am asking is because since the droppings started appearing
our plants have started to be dug up. Our beautiful rockery has been
destryoyed. Holes have appeared around the roots + whole plants have
been dug up + strewn across the whole garden! There are also holes
(about 2-3 inches in diameter) in the bottom lawn + runs between the
two. Is this rats?

Sorry for the long post but we are amateur gardeners hoping for help
with the droppings + holes. Would like to get the problem sorted!

Thanks in advance!


You're posting through Garden Banter and your post is sent on to this
newsgroup. Whilst you cannot post pics to the newsgroup, you can post
them to Garden Banter and set them to appear as links in the message
that appears here.

I don't use Garden Banter so don't know how to do that but clearly
you've read the info about this newsgroup and so should be able to
find the instructions for posting pics to the GB system and then
linking in your message.

If you're urban are any of your neighbours suffering similar problems?

Gardening at the dry end (east) of Swansea Bay
in between reading anything by JRR Tolkien.

and ANOTHER dig at Gardenbanter .......... :-((

Will you people NEVER give up?

Get a life

Gardenbanter is here and more than likely here to stay.

It may be here to stay, but that does not mean we have to welcome it, why
the hell don't the people who use it, sign up to a proper isp and use urg

Can you not accept that? If not, sign out of urg

Why, urg has been here for year, why should people abandon it?



Just think Alan, if you were to start your own gardening newsgroup/forum
where people had to sign in and register, you could BAN all of these nasty
people who have the nerve to subscribe to this newsgroup/forum via the back
door. Dreadful people that they are :-((




Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.
