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Old 30-08-2011, 02:12 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening,uk.d-i-y
geoff geoff is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 37
Default Blowing Neighbours smell away

In message , The Medway Handyman
On 28/08/2011 21:07, dennis@home wrote:

"charles" wrote in message
In article , dennis@home

"Dave Plowman (News)" wrote in message
In article , Peter
James wrote:
Could you name someone who as died from passive smoking? Anywhere
in the world will do.

How about Roy Castle a man who died from lung cancer and who never
smoked. Said he picked up the disease from the night clubs he worked
in and where smoking was rampant. For further information see the
following URL's.

One swallow - even with a famous name - does not a summer make. And
even if it did, there's a very big difference between working all your
life in smoky rooms and having neighbours who smoke outdoors.

that's true.. you can choose not to go into smoke filled rooms.

not if your job depends on it.

That's why we have a smoking ban, you can't go into smoke filled rooms
because of your job anymore.

No, we have a smoking ban because a fanatical group of anti smokers,
backed up by the lobbying of multi national drug companies,

Which ones ?

forced it through.

Its undemocratic & basd on false evidence.

Good, though, isn't it
