Thread: peas again
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Old 10-10-2011, 03:21 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
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Default peas again

Derald wrote:
songbird wrote:

all sounds wonderfully great, to be out in the
gardens. other than picking dry beans here or
there and a little odd weeding yesterday morning
after burying the raccoon i've not gotten out
in the gardens enough the past few weeks.

Hey, if you spend much time "weeding", your stuff just might be too far
apart! (-;

no, just filling in the bare spot out back that
will get overgrown by hollyhocks, sow thistle or
grasses if i don't weed it. the strawberries
are still filling it in and it needs a lot more
mulch to reduce the weed sproutings. it is
about 700sq ft -- i don't have that much mulch
materials available.

Must be the burying season: I've been trying to discourage a duo of
juvenile opossums and discovered one of them dead under the front porch Tuesday

they do more damage to the bird population than
raccoons do. they are always around here. i don't
even try to discourage them as they are what i catch
when i put out the live trap to get the raccoons.


leaves are turning, the trees are getting
nekid again. the white pines are shedding to
get ready for the winter.

That doesn't happen here. We have few deciduous trees and those aren't at
all showey. They're still quite clothed and some are likely to remain so until
late November or December, depending on when temps drop. A few of them shade the
garden during the mornings but I'd rather live with that than without the trees.
Noticed some radishes this morning that appear to have germinated a few
days ago. Time to plant more. I don't eat the nasty little things but keep a few
growing during the cool season for DW.

the pine tree only drops some of the needles.
all deciduous trees are to the N or NE along
that edge and that is a good place for them
the winds come out of the S or SW most of the

if i were in the south i'm sure we'd want the
shade trees too. a few hours less of sunlight
here or there would not be a major loss. i'd
probably live in a hobbit hole.

our radishes grew in three stages and looked like
snowmen when we finally pulled them out, about 8-10
inches long. no idea they'd get that big. great
ground cover or cover crop with the big leaves. won't
likely grow them again though. rather use the space
for things we do eat.
