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Old 21-02-2012, 12:26 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Christina Websell Christina Websell is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,869
Default Wow - fun with new chipper!

"AL_n" wrote in message
I acquired my first wood chipper today. What a fantastic toy! I spent four
hours sredding branches from some overgrown bushes that I heavily pruned
last week. Ended up with a fantastic quantity of good mulch.

After that, I shredded some seaweed I had gathered a few days ago. That
will make it much more suitable for brew-creating purposes.

I'm trying to think of some less-obvious things one might be able to turn
into mulch, with the help of one of these machines. Does anyone have any
ideas? Do you use your garden shredder for any other purposes, apart from
making wood-chip mulch?


I went a bit berserk with my shredder when I first had it, but it's not a
big fancy one, it's a JCB ordinary garden type model. I soon found out that
it did not like small fresh prunings which would jam it, and it was a hell
of a job to relocate the screw to get the top back on after the jam was
cleared. I wouldn't dare put seaweed in it.
Having said that, now I know the beast, it happily chomps away at any
prunings I've allowed to dry out. It's preferred prey would be broom
handles, anything that sort of diameter and length disappears in a flash.
I use the results for mulch and also in my chicken runs for the birds to
scratch around in.
What sort is yours? Maybe a bit more industrial than mine?
