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Old 05-03-2012, 12:50 AM
Donkey Donkey is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2012
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Originally Posted by UnclePlant View Post
Don't make the same mistake that I made with your pond. My neighbour had a pond professionally installed a couple of years ago and spent an absolute fortune on a piddly little thing. I thought I could do something pretty epic myself with hardly any outlay.

I borrowed the tools that I needed from my old man and proceeded to mark out my pond. I was looking for something pretty impressive so marked out a quarter of my garden and dug out a step like pattern so I could have a waterfall type effect.
Anyways me and my mate made the day of it in the sun, few beers, disposable BBQ and a couple of shovels. We dug out the hole, planted a few of the underwater seeds that he'd brought over and some sea monkey eggs that we scattered on the bottom before getting the hose out to fill her up. After hours and hours of watching the thing filling up but not really getting anywhere (it had only just started to show signs of puddles) we decided to leave it filling overnight and hope that it was ready for the morning because the filters were coming.
Anyways at about 8am there was a banging at my front door, I was expecting my pond filters delivered so jumped up expecting to see the postman complimenting my new pond and handing over a package. It was only the bloody neighbour in the house behind mine, the water was just going straight into his garden and he'd been fighting it out of his living room all night before tracing it up to my pond that was still completely empty.
I was ****ing livid, my nextdoor neighbour had obviously sabotaged my pond during the night because it was going to make his investment look ridiculous. I calmed down, waited until he went to work, went into his back garden and ****ing trashed his pond - looking back now I feel sorry for the fish but if he didn't ruin my garden I wouldn't have had to kill his fish.

I hope, if you are installing a pond that you've got better neighbours than me because they can sometimes be an absolute ****ing nightmare, you wouldn't believe the hell this guy has single handedly caused the people around us over the years, pond-gate is just the tip of the iceberg.
That sounds very similar to something that happened a few weeks ago in my life, although mine is not related to the beautiful world of gardens.

In this case my child fell over in my garden and landed in the pond, he survived but despite him insisting he fell the father in me took over and I rightly presumed my neighbour had pushed him in.

So the next day, I looked out the window to see next door's 6 year old girl and a couple of her friends playing next to their pond. Understandably I fetched my machine gun and shot them all dead.

Needless to say the cnut never attacked my kid again.