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Old 17-03-2012, 06:30 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2007
Posts: 287
Default taking chances with early plantings

On Mar 17, 9:59*am, "Snag" wrote:
songbird wrote:
I am really trying to resist the temptation to plant. Our actual
frost date is April 15 but I am usually planted by the 1st.
Onion question, I put out a bunch of sets. They have grown well for
the amount of time they have been out there but the few I have pulled
are mush. It has been very dry so I don't know what would have made
them rot.

*sorry, i cannot claim onion expertise as
this is the first season i am trying to
grow them from seed.

*usually we put rooted plants out (not sets)
that are in a flat at a time, like plugs,
around the last week of May and have nice big
fat onions by mid-summer that we pull up and
eat as needed. *we know they are done when
the tops start falling over.

*i've wanted to try onion sets (the small
bulbs that are dry with no roots or green on
them) for several years now, but haven't yet.
we'd like to grow more than one variety this


* I've tried the white onions Walmart sells in the bag , small bulbs that
can either be planted 3" or so deep for greens or shallow for regular onions
* Plant 'em deep , they haven't been all that great for bulb onions . I'm
going to try some of the other types they have this year , along with
another bag of the little whites . I'm also going to try garlic if I can
find some sets .
Learning keeps
you young !

I bet I didn't plant mine deep enough and that is why they have gone
soft and mushy. damn