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Old 28-04-2012, 05:53 PM posted to
Bob F Bob F is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2007
Posts: 762
Default Planting Grass Seeds

Oozmiester wrote:
Bob F;957219 Wrote:
Oozmiester wrote:-
Hi all, I am new to the forum so I'll introduce myself - I'm Scott.

For the past couple of years I have been having problems with my
grass as it is bare and patchy in certain sections.

I have read loads about what to do and even been in touch with a
groundsman at a professional football club who has gave me advice on
what seed to buy and what to mix it with and I am still having no

I was told to mix my grass seed with fine clean sand as he reckoned
my garden did not hold the water all that well.
This Spring, I raked the whole garden (only a small garden) I then
put loads of seed and sand down and raked over so most of the seeds
were mixed with the sand and soil.

That has been 2 weeks went by with me watering every day and still I
can still see no sign of any grass growing.

I have read it can take from 14 to 20 days before it may start to
grow but it is getting really frustrating.

I noticed the birds were eating some of the seeds so I have bought a
net to put down for when I put more down so they can't eat the seeds.

Some of the seeds you can still see sitting on top of the soil.

Can any of you experts tell me what I am doing wrong as I am spending
a lot of money on trying to get a decent lawn and getting absolute

I never used any new soil or anything this time, could this be the
problem ?
And when I say I water it once a day, should I do it in the morning
before I go to work and then when I get back as I have only been
doing it once a day.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I've had best luck watering new seed a few times a day very lightly.
You just
want it moist, never letting it dry out completely, which can kill
sprouted seed. I use a timer set to run a sprinkler for 5 minutes in

morning, early/mid afternoon, and late afternoon.

You may just need to wait a few more days.

Hi Bob, thanks for replying.
I'll up the watering daily then and hopefully this will help.
Only problem being I work 9-5pm so I think I'll need to look at a
timer sprinkler as I can only water in the morning and then at about
7pm. Can you send me a link to the timer sprinkler you have or
something similar ?

Mine is older, and I can't quickly find it online. Look for one with a digital
readout that allows incrementing the minutes one-by-one, and that allows turning
on/off a few times a day. I'd recommend doing the last watering as early as
possible. You want things to not be truely wet during the night.