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Old 27-11-2012, 09:22 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Rance[_6_] David Rance[_6_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2011
Posts: 164
Default OT sorry for those using Demon/turnpike - now also thoughts on Windows 8

On Mon, 26 Nov 2012 bert wrote:

Judging by the Demon forum this migration of email is neither wanted
nor greeted enthusiastically. i don't now feel so thick as i did
before I realised that many others have no idea what these wonderful
new advantages are or indeed mean

The best solution seems to be to route all your mail into one or more
sub accounts and collect from those with TP when the routing rules will
still work. If you try to use the default administrator mailbox all the
headers get re-written and TP can't sort out to whom the e-mail was
originally addressed.

In my experience, it's a problem which hasn't been explained by Demon at
all well. Having been migrated some months ago, I have now managed to
get Demon to send me my mail without it being rewritten to
Administrator. Took me several goes but it's essentially very simple
once you know how. Forgive me if someone else has already explained it -
I am a very slow bear sometimes.

Essentially all one needs to do is to log on to the web email portal as
administrator and add names to the administrator account. In my case
I've added my own and my wife's name. Our mail now comes in without
being rewritten and it goes into the correct mailboxes.

I can give a step by step guide by email if anyone needs it. Again, my
apologies if I'm repeating what has already been said.

The next problem, of course, is getting Turnpike to work with Windows 8.
In case anyone is worrying about this I can say that Turnpike works
perfectly with Win8 32-bit; no need for a virtual box as there was with
Windows 7. However, if you're running, or wanting to run, the 64-bit
version of Win8 then you will need a virtual box to run Turnpike, but
this is not a big deal. I downloaded and installed the Oracle VM Virtual
Box (which is free) with no problem at all, installed Windows XP in that
and then Turnpike. And that works perfectly.

Interestingly Turnpike Connect does work perfectly with 64-bit in native
mode. It's just that the Turnpike mail reader (Turnkick) won't load. But
a virtual box solves that problem.


David Rance writing from Caversham, Reading, UK