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Old 26-04-2003, 12:23 PM
Gordon Couger
Posts: n/a
Default Stop the extinction... 402

"Offbreed" wrote in message
Louise Adderholdt wrote in message


I have often wondered what George H.W. Bush would have said about the
spotted owl not being worth one American job if the bird that would have
been killed there had been the American Bald Eagle. Having been picked
as the American national bird, it has special protection that many
people don't want to extend to our other precious birds.

Well, you being in NC, you might not have seen the follow up on the
spotted owl fiasco. Not surprising because even people in Washington
State don't know of it, thanks to the "even handed" and "unbiased"
news media.

The USFS only searched for the spotted owl in old growth forest. The
spotted owl is *not* an old growth species, so it appeared to be
endangered. ("The pigeon is an endangered species! We spent a year
searching for it in the Brooks Range of Alaska and did not see a
single one!") The spotted owl is actually a subspecies of the barn owl
and readily cross breeds with it, and shares the barn owls favored
habitat, fringe growth and new second growth.

I think the funniest owl nest find was the one in the 7-11 sign.

The "enviornmentalists" encourage lying "for a good cause". Is it a
"good" cause if all of the supporters are telling little fibs?

Lying for a good cause is the fastest way to completely lose public, private
and government trust. This distraction in particular is very intolerant of
people that get caught. In light of his predecessors escapades he leaves
anyone caught in in impropriety swinging in the wind.

To fudge the evidence once makes all you evidence suspect. Having read a
number of EPA papers most don't pass the smell test. Things like confidence
levels of 1 out of 100 in trial with less than 100 plots and discarded
outliers that were not included with the data and marked. Most papers would
be C papers in grad courses. C in a grad course is Unsatfistory.

Putting a scientist in charge of the EPA is a step in the right direction.

But getting caught with fraudulent evidence is a sure way to loose you

The government should be encouraging the framers to upgrade their irrigation
systems to the most efficient possible and assuring them that they will
retaining their water rights. As most of the deals stand now if you don't
use all your water allotment you risk loosing it. Not exactly conducive to
conservation. Farmers are very reluctant to renegotiate deals with the
government. Past experiance has shown use we always get the short dirty end
of the stick.

Gordon Couger
Stillwater, OK