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paghat 10-10-2003 02:32 AM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
In article ,
(Wavy G) wrote:

I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with paghat's mom.

Cuz of her beauty & intelligence or only because you heard she was an
honest to gosh sword swallower in the circus?

-paghat the ratgirl

In article ,
(Wavy G) wrote:

I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with Steve Wolfe's mom.

Cool. Is she a real wolf?

No, but her son is a real idiot.

"Of what are you afraid, my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.
"Oh, sir! The flowers, they are wild," replied the timid creature.
-from Peter Newell's "Wild Flowers"
See the Garden of Paghat the Ratgirl:

Zemedelec 10-10-2003 04:42 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
"Man of Marble", "The Conspirators of Pleasure", "Lawrence of Arabia"
(original uncut version.}

Steve Wolfe 10-10-2003 06:12 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
Gattaca, Can't Hardly Wait, and The Man Who Would Be King.

You have a low level or mid level management job. You graduated from
college, but not a prestigious one. You have facial hair.

Well, you got the facial hair right. : )


zhanataya 10-10-2003 07:02 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
On Tue, 07 Oct 2003 13:00:49 GMT, animaux

On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 19:27:43 -0500, zhanataya opined:

On Sat, 4 Oct 2003 17:25:41 -0500, The Magnficent *******

Post your three favorite movies. I will then post facts about you based
on my analysis of your choices.

Old Yeller
Imitation of LIfe


Hey, Zhan! I was just thinking about you getting ready to email Marilyn! Good
to see you.

Three favorite I wish this came in many categories because I
could never narrow it down to three.

I have more than that and I cannot eliminate these, in no particular order:

Bye Bye Birdie
West Side Story
Citizen Kane
Helen Keller (the original with Patty Duke)
Thelma and Louise
Scarface (Al Pacino)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Pulp Fiction
What Dreams May Come
When Harry Met Sally
Sense and Sensibility
Spy Game
Meet Joe Black
Vanilla Sky
The Sixth Sense

I'm sure there are many more older films in my list, but to list three is
almost impossible. The list is almost infinite!


There are more movies I really liked but these three stood the test of
time, I can watch them repeatedly and enjoy each time I do. Would you
believe Bill has watched Casablanca so may times he has all the lines

I'm feeling left out though. The OP hasn't posted any facts about me.
Maybe I'm just beyond description. ;-)


zhanataya 10-10-2003 07:12 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
On Tue, 07 Oct 2003 19:20:15 GMT,

Careful Victoria,

The Magnificent ******* will give us your complete life story rather
than the usual three "bullet points" if you give him/her all those


Best wishes

(Also, hi Zhan ... where U been??)

Went off on a long walk about. But I'm back now to bug everyone. The
weather is starting to cool off a bit so I have to get busy and
correct all the damage done to the lawn and garden by my absence and
neglect. Did you have a good summer?


[email protected] 11-10-2003 09:02 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 13:06:35 -0500, zhanataya

On Tue, 07 Oct 2003 19:20:15 GMT,

Careful Victoria,

The Magnificent ******* will give us your complete life story rather
than the usual three "bullet points" if you give him/her all those


Best wishes

(Also, hi Zhan ... where U been??)

Went off on a long walk about.


But I'm back now to bug everyone.

With your characteristic wit, I hope!

The weather is starting to cool off a bit so I have to get busy and
correct all the damage done to the lawn and garden by my absence and
neglect. Did you have a good summer?

Yes, it's not been bad at all, and in fact mostly dry and warm
(relatively speaking) for a lot of the summer in Eastern Scotland. Did
you manage to find a tree/shrub that you wanted to plant in your
xeriscape garden?

Best wishes

Wavy G 11-10-2003 10:32 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with Babberney's mom.

On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 06:37:38 -0700, marci


You are missing the Indiana Jones movies. How hard was that to figure out?

yeah, but if i don't see them, is it going to cause problems later in

well, you won't get as much out of the intro parody when you see "UHF"
with Wierd Al.

For more info about the International Society of Arboriculture, please visit

She wanted information about the Indiana Jones movies. No won asked
anything about the International Society of Arboriculture, you dimwit.
Please pay attention or leave the chatboard.

For consumer info about tree care, visit

Oh right. Like I'm gonna click on that (like, I'm sure that's a real site.)

Wavy G 11-10-2003 10:42 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with Tina Gibson's mom.

"Babberney" wrote in message
On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 06:37:38 -0700, marci


You are missing the Indiana Jones movies. How hard was that to figure


yeah, but if i don't see them, is it going to cause problems later in

well, you won't get as much out of the intro parody when you see "UHF"
with Wierd Al.

For more info about the International Society of Arboriculture, please

For consumer info about tree care, visit

It's a Wonderful Life


They we

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

I swear to God, *******, where do find these morans?

The Magnificent Bastard 11-10-2003 11:02 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 21:31:31 GMT, in, Wavy G puts the
lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again. It does this
whenever it's told -

I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with Tina Gibson's mom.

"Babberney" wrote in message
On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 06:37:38 -0700, marci


You are missing the Indiana Jones movies. How hard was that to figure


yeah, but if i don't see them, is it going to cause problems later in

well, you won't get as much out of the intro parody when you see "UHF"
with Wierd Al.

For more info about the International Society of Arboriculture, please

For consumer info about tree care, visit

It's a Wonderful Life


They we

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

I swear to God, *******, where do find these morans?

They were all on the mailing list for my fan club.

Magnificent ******* Productions 2003 ©


Wavy G 11-10-2003 11:02 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with paghat's mom.

In article ,
(Wavy G) wrote:

I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with paghat's mom.

Cuz of her beauty & intelligence or only because you heard she was an
honest to gosh sword swallower in the circus?

No, I was really just on the "rebound" after Steve Wolfe's mom.

-paghat the ratgirl

In article ,
(Wavy G) wrote:

I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with Steve Wolfe's mom.

Cool. Is she a real wolf?

No, but her son is a real idiot.

"Of what are you afraid, my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.
"Oh, sir! The flowers, they are wild," replied the timid creature.
-from Peter Newell's "Wild Flowers"
See the Garden of Paghat the Ratgirl:

Wavy G 11-10-2003 11:02 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with Frank ess's mom.

"Steve Wolfe" wrote in message
Gattaca, Can't Hardly Wait, and The Man Who Would Be King.

That's a movie? I've never heard of "Gattaca, Can't Hardly Wait, and

Man Who Would Be King."

... and you've never seen a sentence with phrases seperated by commas?

There is 'a rat' in separate.

There is also a "Wolfe" in this thread, who I'd like to smash like a rat.

Wavy G 11-10-2003 11:22 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with The Magnificent *******'s mom.

On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 21:31:31 GMT, in, Wavy G puts the
lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again. It does this
whenever it's told -

I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with Tina Gibson's mom.

"Babberney" wrote in message
On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 06:37:38 -0700, marci


You are missing the Indiana Jones movies. How hard was that to figure

yeah, but if i don't see them, is it going to cause problems later in

well, you won't get as much out of the intro parody when you see "UHF"
with Wierd Al.

For more info about the International Society of Arboriculture, please
For consumer info about tree care, visit

It's a Wonderful Life


They we

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

I swear to God, *******, where do find these morans?

They were all on the mailing list for my fan club.

And I thought *my* fans were idiots. But man, this Tina Gibson guy really
"takes the cake."

Magnificent ******* Productions 2003 ©


Babberney 12-10-2003 07:02 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 21:29:51 GMT, (Wavy
G) wrote:

For more info about the International Society of Arboriculture, please visit

She wanted information about the Indiana Jones movies. No won asked
anything about the International Society of Arboriculture, you dimwit.
Please pay attention or leave the chatboard.

For consumer info about tree care, visit

Oh right. Like I'm gonna click on that (like, I'm sure that's a real site.)

It's called a sig line, dimwit. If you haven't seen off-topic sigs,
you either are new to usenet or you don't pay much attnetion. Lazy
perhaps, but not uncommon.

And, yes, unfortunately, that is a real site. I would have loved to
have veto power over calling it that, but I didn't. It's still a good
site with the most up-to-date info about trees available. And, quite
appropriate in the rec.gardens discussion, where I've been following
this off-topic thread with dwindling interest.

For more info about the International Society of Arboriculture, please visit
For consumer info about tree care, visit

Jan Flora 13-10-2003 02:02 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You
In article ,
(Wavy G) wrote:

I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with Ms. Jaime's mom.

On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 06:36:37 -0700, marci

wavy g would've made an excellent boyfriend for you, had
you not said all those things.

Who in the *hell* is Wavy G?

You're kidding, right?

Get over it, Wavy. Not everyone raised their children with a proper
appreciation for the culture of the '60's. Just because you and I have
clothing that's older than Ms. Jaime, it doesn't make her a bad person.

Remember when we used to say, "Don't trust anyone over 30"? Ha.
Now we have a hard time talking to anyone who doesn't remember
That Day in Dallas. Or the "I Have a Dream" speech. Or the Dead with
Pig Pen playing drums.

Times change, pard.

Now we're the elders, Wavy. And look what America has spawned.
A bunch of kids who think "shopping" is a sport. A bunch of them
who think an MBA from Wharton should earn them $150,000 as
rookies in the bidness world. And we still have girls who think
a cute butt and dimples can get them into the movies.*sigh*

But we also have really bright kids, wearing dreads, quoting
Ed Abby and singing Garcia's songs, while they learn how to build
a world that we'd all like to live in. We've done some good. We do
have some sprouts out there that we can be proud of. We can hang
our hopes on their wings and dream them the strength to fly.
They're our legacy. And it's a good one. Believe that.

I've seen some awesome kids flying with our dreams of equality,
world peace, food for everyone, clean water to drink, and no fear of
being murdered in your bed by soldiers of your own government.

(All bets are off in America with Ashcroft though. We do need to fear
Shrub, et al. They've recinded the Bill of Rights. When America does
that, what hope do folks around the world have? None. Zip. Nada.)

America funded the murder of farmers in Nicaragua under Reagan.
Why? What horrors is Shrub funding around the world (not just
in countries that are on CNN)?

I love my country, but fear my government. (Will the FBI filters
that are looking for subversives pick up on that phrase? =:-O )

Jan, a yellow dog democrat, life-long civil rights activist
and member of Amnesty International (that'll draw the red flag)

PS: My dad's lawyer has been bored since he got out of the senate.
I wish Ashcroft's boys would pick me up as a subversive. Q. and I could
use the excitement. (He's a Jew who went to Harvard. I'm IrishCatholic.
We both love a good fight with bigots, fascists, jerks, pukes from Yale
and right-to-lifers from Misery who believe in liberty and justice
for everyone who thinks just like they do.)

righter 13-10-2003 02:22 PM

Post Your Three Favorite Movies - I Post Facts About You

"Jan Flora" wrote in message
In article ,
(Wavy G) wrote:

I know it may be wrong, but I'm in love with Ms. Jaime's mom.

On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 06:36:37 -0700, marci

wavy g would've made an excellent boyfriend for you, had
you not said all those things.

Who in the *hell* is Wavy G?

You're kidding, right?

Get over it, Wavy. Not everyone raised their children with a proper
appreciation for the culture of the '60's. Just because you and I have
clothing that's older than Ms. Jaime, it doesn't make her a bad person.

Remember when we used to say, "Don't trust anyone over 30"? Ha.
Now we have a hard time talking to anyone who doesn't remember
That Day in Dallas. Or the "I Have a Dream" speech. Or the Dead with
Pig Pen playing drums.

Times change, pard.

Now we're the elders, Wavy. And look what America has spawned.
A bunch of kids who think "shopping" is a sport. A bunch of them
who think an MBA from Wharton should earn them $150,000 as
rookies in the bidness world. And we still have girls who think
a cute butt and dimples can get them into the movies.*sigh*

But we also have really bright kids, wearing dreads, quoting
Ed Abby and singing Garcia's songs, while they learn how to build
a world that we'd all like to live in. We've done some good. We do
have some sprouts out there that we can be proud of. We can hang
our hopes on their wings and dream them the strength to fly.
They're our legacy. And it's a good one. Believe that.

I've seen some awesome kids flying with our dreams of equality,
world peace, food for everyone, clean water to drink, and no fear of
being murdered in your bed by soldiers of your own government.

(All bets are off in America with Ashcroft though. We do need to fear
Shrub, et al. They've recinded the Bill of Rights. When America does
that, what hope do folks around the world have? None. Zip. Nada.)

America funded the murder of farmers in Nicaragua under Reagan.
Why? What horrors is Shrub funding around the world (not just
in countries that are on CNN)?

I love my country, but fear my government. (Will the FBI filters
that are looking for subversives pick up on that phrase? =:-O )

Jan, a yellow dog democrat, life-long civil rights activist
and member of Amnesty International (that'll draw the red flag)

PS: My dad's lawyer has been bored since he got out of the senate.
I wish Ashcroft's boys would pick me up as a subversive. Q. and I could
use the excitement. (He's a Jew who went to Harvard. I'm IrishCatholic.
We both love a good fight with bigots, fascists, jerks, pukes from Yale
and right-to-lifers from Misery who believe in liberty and justice
for everyone who thinks just like they do.)

If I were twenty years older, I'd say, 'I think I'm in Love.'

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