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[email protected] 24-03-2004 05:47 PM

In article
(Dcjtee) wrote:

Can anyone recommend a fast acting poison to kill cats?

If the owners won't keep the f*ckers out of my garden then bait
is the answer!

The Hemyock, Devon, UK branch of The Residents Appreciation Society.

They all agree with you. With that address at the bottom you are liable to
have more than the Cat Protection League watching you. Use QS (QuckSilver
next time. Safer.)

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Mike 24-03-2004 05:48 PM


I know you think you're very funny, Mike but telling someone that is a

thing to do. It's untrue that cats are vermin and if someone believes you
and does poison a cat, they'll end up in serious trouble if caught.

(remove the weeds to email me)

I can assure you, there is nothing funny about cats crapping in the garden
and having to clear it up. As far as I am concerned, and I took this from
somewhere on the net, cats are vermin. Carpet Gripper strips on the top of
my gates and fences has done some good, but still not good enough.

Cats should be drowned at birth to rid us of this menace.

BYW, what are you responding to my threads for? Kill file me

Mike 24-03-2004 05:48 PM


I know you think you're very funny, Mike but telling someone that is a

thing to do. It's untrue that cats are vermin and if someone believes you
and does poison a cat, they'll end up in serious trouble if caught.

(remove the weeds to email me)

I can assure you, there is nothing funny about cats crapping in the garden
and having to clear it up. As far as I am concerned, and I took this from
somewhere on the net, cats are vermin. Carpet Gripper strips on the top of
my gates and fences has done some good, but still not good enough.

Cats should be drowned at birth to rid us of this menace.

BYW, what are you responding to my threads for? Kill file me

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