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Old 23-05-2003, 07:44 PM
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Default Day Lilies Lethal to Cats???

I just read this brief article (shown below) that states that most
forms of lilies are fatal to pets. I happen to be a cat owner as well
as a day lily fanatic. I'm sure it's not an unusual circumstance to
have cats and day lilies on your property. Anyone here ever have a
problem? Should I be consdering yanking out my precious day lilies?



In an effort to keep companion felines everywhere happy and healthy,
the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) has partnered with the
Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) in a campaign to educate companion
animal caretakers about the potential dangers of lilies. These popular
springtime plants--including Easter lily, tiger lily, rubrum lily,
Japanese show lily and some day lilies--can cause kidney failure in
cats if ingested. Last year alone, the center handled more than 200
cases of cats who had ingested a Lilium species. Signs of toxicosis,
such as vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite, may appear within a
few hours of ingestion, and will continue to worsen as damage to the
kidneys progresses. If left untreated, kidney failure can develop in
36 to 72 hours. "Unfortunately, all parts of the lily are considered
toxic to cats," says the APCC's Dr. Sharon Gwaltney-Brant. "Consuming
even small amounts can be life-threatening."

You can keep the feline members of your family safe and sound simply
by removing all dangerous plants from their access. We also encourage
you to consider safer, and just as beautiful, alternatives to lilies,
such as African violets and Easter, tiger and lace orchids. Visit APCC
online for
materials to help you identify potentially harmful members of the lily
family, including photos of dangerous species and a list of nontoxic