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Old 20-03-2004, 04:12 AM
Bonnie Punch
Posts: n/a

You sound a little needy, which might be off-putting to some seed

Helen is the very opposite of needy.

"Needy" doesn't only mean poor,hard-up. It's also used to describe
people who (consciously or not), manipulate other people and social
situations in order to support some hidden psychological need of their

Paghat meant emotionally needy. I knew that, and I meant that she is
not any more needy than the rest of us. We *all* manipulate people
*all* the time. We pay attention to a spouse/lover so that they will
love us, and we won't be alone. We flatter a friend so they'll like us
and we'll have someone to talk to. In order to get you have to give. We
all have psycological, physical and emotional needs. It's part of being

She very generously offers to send
seeds to people *at her own expense*! If you send to more than a dozen
people, that starts to add up to some real $$$.

Well, Helen said she had packaged and sent a consignment to over 300
recipients, many abroad.Yes, that's some real $$$; "investing" so much
time and money in strangers could mean she's rather emotionally needy in
the above sense. As Paghat pointed out, needy behaviour often often
makes people shy away.

Maybe she's just really nice? I realize that generosity is a dying
trait, so it can be difficult to recognize it when you see it. Even
nice people will complain when they feel like too many people have
taken advantage of them. Interpreting frustration over a lack of
manners as needy is a bit of a stretch. There's nothing needy about her
behavior - she's venting her anger. What's she supposed to do? People
need to be reminded of basic ettiquette sometimes, and some people
won't get it unless you hit them upside the head with a clue-by-four.

This isn't the first time someone has complained here of a lack of a
decent response when sending out items. When we were children we were
taguht by our parents to say thank you, but some people seem to think
that it's no longer necessary as an adult.

All she wants is a simple thank you. Why is that so hard to accept?