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Old 23-06-2004, 05:03 PM
Posts: n/a
Default after overstepping polite boundaries -GardenWeb sucks still!!

In article m,
plantlover999 wrote:

I believe that the process used by Spike Hernandez at Gardenweb to
"dump" people he has banned from the forums to a Disney website
violates Disney's use of its web site and copyright. If you have been
banned by Gardenweb and dumped to the Disney web site, report this
abuse to this email address:

All correspondence to Disney is kept strictly confidential.

UseNet exists as a free-for-all, is always more lively, often more
informed, but also just a tad bit risky, compared to bulletin boards run
by one person. Wussy one-person-dictator bulletin boards are (sometimes)
safer for children, naifs, dorks, the sick & dying, & archly polite people
who never say "******" out loud but certainly do wear their bedsheets to
rallies. I know of only one bulletin board (the Beekslayers group, but
there are doubtless others like it) that is as nasty, mean, loving,
grotesque, funny, moronic, absurd, & intelligent as UseNet -- the rest
I've seen are for the brain-dead & their children, & are policed
accordingly based on the assessments of the ownes of each given board.

Gardenweb is one fellow's private party open to all who knuckle under to
the owner of the house -- it's wussy & undemocratic, sure, but if I let
you in MY house, you'll play by MY rules or I'll tell you to get the hell
out cuz, well, it's my house.

The fact that you want to vengefully dick with the dipshit even now
suggests you were rightly kicked out of his house. And routing the
banished to Disney is so subtle an insult that one could almost admire the
dipshit in question. Just be grateful it wasn't the Mormon Tabernacle

Personally I've never even been slightly tempted to go in his house, but
I'm sure a post like this one, which actually sticks up for his right to
be a dipshit dictator over his own domain, would get me kicked off at
once; if I'm wrong about that, then great, I'll never know, because I'm
very satisfied with UseNet groups, foul-mouthed excentrics & nutballs
included, because for every one unpleasant cretin gotten rid of, ten
intelligent voices leave as well, until all that remains is a safe,
uninspiring mediocrity. On UseNet we do not have one single overlord
deciding who deserves free expression & who gets the boot. But this is
Soapbox Park & thereby a genuine public forum for which Constitutional
ideas of liberty apply; gardenweb is not.

-paghat the ratgirl

"Of what are you afraid, my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.
"Oh, sir! The flowers, they are wild," replied the timid creature.
-from Peter Newell's "Wild Flowers"
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