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Old 27-06-2004, 07:16 PM
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Default Beginner-pesticides-brusell sprouts

Good morning Ty.

I grew Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage while living in Arkansas
(zone 7). I had little black bugs in addition to the green worms. I bought
a spray from Wal Mart that was supposed to be a safer one than most. It was
premixed and identified as a garden spray, not rose spray or squash spray.
I opened and read the little label that was attached to the bottle and it
said that I could use it twice in one season and up to 24 hours before
harvesting (if think the time was 24 hours, may have been 12). After using
it, the little green worms just drop off.

One other thing you can try is adjust the planting time.
I started my seedlings inside and planted them outside when I thought the
time was right. There that might be as early as February. Frost doesn't
hurt them, in fact after Brussels sprouts have been frosted twice, they
taste better. I understand that it removes the bitter taste and makes it

Since moving to Kansas, I have grown them again, and found that I didn't
have the worm problem until after I had harvested the broccoli. I want to
try starting them in June and having them in the ground by July for a fall
crop. That might take care of all the bug problems.


"ATL" wrote in message
My background if you're interested:
I am very much a beginner to gardening. 38-year-old married man. I
am a Square Foot Gardener (SFG) in Northeast Louisiana.

My question:
I planted, from seed, Brusell Sprouts. They came up and grew to about
3-4 feet tall. They were originally in a raised SFG, a 4'x4'x6" box
about 3' off the ground. That box rotted and the bottom fell out. I
transplanted three of the plants to another SFG box located directly
on the ground. Within a few weeks they were covered with green
catepillars. They were in large numbers and ate through the leaves
and the budding sprouts. I pulled the plants today and discarded them
away from the SFG. My question is not so much about identifying the
worms, but about using pesticides in general on vegetable gardens.
Since I intend to eat what little I grow I would prefer not to use
pesticides, but on the other hand, insects are eating everything in my
two SFG boxes. I have also noticed small black ants, similar to sugar
ants or, as my wife refers to them, **** ants. I see them on my
zuccini and cucumber plants. I don't know for a fact they are eating
the leaves, but the leaves have been eaten on both types of plants by

So, do I let them have the garden or use pesticides? If so, what type
of pesticide should I use?

Thanks a bunch. I need all the info I can get.
