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Old 02-11-2004, 03:26 PM
Posts: n/a

Rye grass.....aack. Mowing, taking care of it in the winter? Bah
humbug. And it grows quickly, if you don't attend to it, it will get
too long fairly quickly and a) clog up the mower (it seems to be
wetter than our zoysia to me and clogs easily when long) and b) mat
down in the existing grass and cause problems. Of course this is when
it is allowed to get too long, whcih is easy in these days of darkness
at 5:30. No time to mow after work.

It does look good though. Just depends on whether or not you want to
deal with it all winter long.

On 26 Oct 2004 12:50:44 -0700, (Art Vega) wrote:


I have been living in a house for the past two years,
and this year I'm considering growing rye grass in
the backyard so it looks more lively.

Does it hurt the existing St. Augustin grass in the
spring? Does it grow fast? Do I need to water it a lot?

Please tell me about the advantages and disadvantages.

Thanks and regards,