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Old 07-11-2004, 07:56 PM
Posts: n/a

In article , Janet Baraclough..

The message
from escape contains these words:

Yes, saw it, know it, still know it. I don't know what country I live
in any
more. I cannot explain the feeling in this household. I cannot believe
religion is running my country. I can't believe the religious man
running it
gave us the finger. I don't understand anything.

Tush, V, that was "the greatest ever democracy in action". Imagine what
your illustrious demonstration must mean to all those envious
third-world dictatorships.

All those godly people who voted for Bush's track record, took personal
responsibility for his foreign policy and its consequences to
yourselves. They made your bed, now lie in it.

Bush's second term is the kiss of death to poodle Tony Blair's hopes of
re-election next year, btw, so you're on your own now.


An added level of tragedy is that people who "love" Bush are in the
deepest kaka of all. They voted for him not because any of his policies
will benefit them, but because he bolsters their desire to express bigotry
against queers, ragheads, feminists, Jews for not praying to Jesus in the
public schools, darkies who don't toady to the "Republican" ideals (OF
COURSE someone like Powell who will destroy his own credibility for life
by lying his ass off for the Master is a good darky, but anyhone
disobediant to the master is dismissed as a crackhead ******). The "moral"
agenda of hatred for queers, hatred for non-christians, hatred for science
(for everything from proving evolution is real to pursuing stem cell
research), hatred for anything progressive (making "liberal" a dirty word
for failing to hate queers & darkies & ragheaeds quite enough) -- none of
this REALLY helps lower class white fundamentalists yabobs. if they cared
about themselves they'd be activists in unions; they'd be peace activists
so their own families have a chance of a decent lifespan; they'd be with
progressives seeking equality & opportunity for the underprivileged,
because the Lord knows these trailer park yabobs would benefit from that.
But noooooo, they think they'll come out of head if they can keep a few
queers at bay. Cuz God knows the waspy yabobs lives will mean nothing good
at all if faggots get married. Lordy lordy, if that were allowed, next
thing you know their own daddy will be marrying that godforsaken goat of

The support they feel from the president on these matters really doesn't
improve their lives, as they still hunker down in trailer parks unable to
find decent jobs or get decent healthcare for themselves or their
children. But losing jobs because the president gave big taxbreaks for any
corporation who sends the jobs overseas, that affects their lives.
Trillions of dollars of national debt so that corporations don't have to
pay taxes & the bill for World War III can be paid off by our kids, that
will effect their lives supposing they ever do get a job in this life,
even if it's only in the no-other-choice volunteer army. A pay-as-you-go,
or just drop dead healthcare system kills them as rapidly as anyone it
kills anyone with a progressive viewpoint. The trailer yabobs who like him
best make up one of the biggest percentages of our recent wardead, because
they had no job opportunities but to volunteer to become cannon fodder.
There aren't many kids from well-off families dying over there.

Those of us who can see the obvious worry about all of America, not just
the ones who attend churches of bigotry. But they all too often just glory
in "ha ha! You don't have a president, we do!" Because Bush's #1 "moral"
agenda is to keep America divided, since a divided nation is one that
can't do anything about it as Bush Brother monitors even what we check out
of the library & whittles away at everyone's civil rights so that he can
continue to turn the nation over to multinational corporations who are
already making both domestic & international policy. The right may have
voted for him so he'll change the Constitution and make sure queers never
have equal rights, but even supposing he succeeds at that, to be able to
SMUGLY die of a treatable disease because you're po' white trash seems
small recompense.

-paghat the ratgirl

"Of what are you afraid, my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.
"Oh, sir! The flowers, they are wild," replied the timid creature.
-from Peter Newell's "Wild Flowers"
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