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Old 09-03-2005, 02:09 AM
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~Roy~ wrote:

The name Laurel rings a bell, but I am lost on the Clinton ..Where
abouts are these two places in conjunction to say Gulfport or

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 02:21:31 -0600, "Phyllis and Jim Hurley"

===Hey Pam (Southern greeting!),
===Where in South MS are you? We are in Clinton.
===On your WH, if the growth center is still hard and the plant floats, they
===may well come back. The leaves go in the frost, but a good proportion of
===ours come back. The key differentiation is whether the core turns soft or
===stays hard. In late March or early April we strip the dead leaves but toss
===the cores back into the pond.
===Do you have any pics of your pond on the web?
==="Pam" wrote in message
=== Hey Jim ad Phyllis,,
=== Down here in south Mississippi we turned on the pump and started the bio
=== filter last weekend. Next year we will not turn it off. That last freeze
=== killed the water hyacinth but the azolla is alive and well.. I am
=== that it is parrot's feather that has poked little bright green whorls
=== the surface of the wate; below the surface the rosy reds are playing and
=== hiding in it. DId it get cold eneough for your frogs to hibernate? We
=== have two frogs where last year there was only one. I thought that silly
=== frog would hibernate or move elsewhere over the winter, but he did
=== During the coldest weather we had he sat just below the surface of the
=== in a pot of pickeral weed, so he could torment the cat! That is one loud
=== frog.
=== Pam
=== "Phyllis and Jim Hurley" wrote in message
=== ...
=== Our Mississippi day temps are now consistently in the 60s or better.
=== water in the pond is at about 50. Soon, it will be warm enough to feed
=== the
=== koi.
=== Jim is replacing our pump. Waterfalls again, soon.
=== The Water Hyacinths that made it through the winter are jus starting to
=== push
=== leaves. Interestingly, those in the main pond did not make it. I
=== the koi saw them as food in the winter. BV, want some once things heat
=== up?
=== Our parrots' feather and water celery are also starting to send shoots.
=== About 30 apple snails (Trapdoor) were eggs in October, wintered in my
=== aquaria, and are 1.5" or so now. Big enough to breed once they go into
=== the
=== pond.
=== How nice to have winter end and the season get under way.
=== May your ponds awake and the chatter on the ng return to ponds.
=== Phyllis
=== --
=== ____________________________________________
=== See our pond at:\p\pwp-jameshurley
=== Ask me about Jog-A-Thon fundraiser (clears $120+ per child) at:

Put some color in your naked!

Laurel is just north of Hattisburg. :-) And Colorado is WAY west and
north of Gulfport :-)
W. Dale