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Old 09-03-2005, 02:34 AM
Phyllis and Jim Hurley
Posts: n/a

Clinton is next to Jackson (West). Laurel, as noted by news groups, is just
North and East of Hattiesburg. Clinton is about 80 miles north and 30 miles
West of Laurel.


"~Roy~" wrote in message
The name Laurel rings a bell, but I am lost on the Clinton ..Where
abouts are these two places in conjunction to say Gulfport or

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 02:21:31 -0600, "Phyllis and Jim Hurley"

===Hey Pam (Southern greeting!),
===Where in South MS are you? We are in Clinton.
===On your WH, if the growth center is still hard and the plant floats,

===may well come back. The leaves go in the frost, but a good

proportion of
===ours come back. The key differentiation is whether the core turns

soft or
===stays hard. In late March or early April we strip the dead leaves

but toss
===the cores back into the pond.
===Do you have any pics of your pond on the web?
==="Pam" wrote in message
=== Hey Jim ad Phyllis,,
=== Down here in south Mississippi we turned on the pump and started

the bio
=== filter last weekend. Next year we will not turn it off. That

last freeze
=== killed the water hyacinth but the azolla is alive and well.. I am
=== that it is parrot's feather that has poked little bright green

=== the surface of the wate; below the surface the rosy reds are

playing and
=== hiding in it. DId it get cold eneough for your frogs to

hibernate? We
=== have two frogs where last year there was only one. I thought that

=== frog would hibernate or move elsewhere over the winter, but he

=== During the coldest weather we had he sat just below the surface of

=== in a pot of pickeral weed, so he could torment the cat! That is

one loud
=== frog.
=== Pam
=== "Phyllis and Jim Hurley" wrote in

=== ...
=== Our Mississippi day temps are now consistently in the 60s or

=== water in the pond is at about 50. Soon, it will be warm enough

to feed
=== the
=== koi.
=== Jim is replacing our pump. Waterfalls again, soon.
=== The Water Hyacinths that made it through the winter are jus

starting to
=== push
=== leaves. Interestingly, those in the main pond did not make it.

=== the koi saw them as food in the winter. BV, want some once

things heat
=== up?
=== Our parrots' feather and water celery are also starting to send

=== About 30 apple snails (Trapdoor) were eggs in October, wintered

in my
=== aquaria, and are 1.5" or so now. Big enough to breed once they

go into
=== the
=== pond.
=== How nice to have winter end and the season get under way.
=== May your ponds awake and the chatter on the ng return to ponds.
=== Phyllis
=== --
=== ____________________________________________
=== See our pond at:\p\pwp-jameshurley
=== Ask me about Jog-A-Thon fundraiser (clears $120+ per child) at:

Put some color in your naked!