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Old 29-03-2005, 12:33 PM
Elaine T
Posts: n/a

Justin wrote:
Hi all,

I was wondering if I can change my freshwater tank into brackish without too
much trouble? My 2ft cube is stable now with it's plants and the cycles and
I am just about to purchase a CO2 controller to keep an eye on my ph but now
I want to convert to brackish. Will it mean pulling up all the plants and
starting fresh or is it a case of just adding the liquid that makes the
water brackish and seeing what plants live or die?

My current plant list is:
Blyxa Japonica
Rotala Macranda
Limnophila aromatica
Ludwigia Repens (narrow leaf)
Hair grass
Bolbitis Heudeloti
Anubius Nana
Limnophila sessiflora
Microsorium pteropus Windelov Special
Microsorium pteropus
Hygrophila rosenvaris (I think)
2 Crypts (on kind of looks like balanese with the undulated leaves)
Madagascan Lace fern.

I realise I will have to move some of my fish (I think)

I currently have:
Emporer Tetras
Congo Tetras
Neon Rainbow
Goyder River Rainbows
Black Banded rainbows
Copper Rasbora's
Siamese Flying fox
Bristle Nose Cat's

I have fallen for Discus, so any advise you can give me on the topic would
be great.

Thanks all.

Brakish (salty) water would kill most of your plants and fish. The
mollies and swordtails are the only fish you have that would tolerate it.

As for discus, I personally don't think a 2 foot cube is a very good
choice because it doesn't offer much swimming room. Discus can grow to
8" easily, so the fish could end up a third as long as the tank.

__ Elaine T __
__' '__