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Old 06-05-2005, 06:47 PM
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"Nick Maclaren" wrote in message
In article ,
peterlsutton wrote:
I know it is a silly question, but can you take cuttings of annuals. By
annuals, I mean true annuals, not half hardy perennials that are sold as

Some, but not many. Those that take tend to do so easily. Those
that are reluctant tend to need laboratory facilities. That is,
of course, an exaggeration and over-simplification.

And if you can, do they overwinter? I know it is a bit academic, but as a
newbie to gardening I am interested in how plants work.

Much the same answer. There is no hard-and-fast boundary between
the categories of plant, and we grow quite a few tropical perennials
as annuals (e.g. basil). Many plants are annual if planted early
in good conditions and biennial otherwise; they can often be made
to last longer by removing their flowering shoots.
Nick Maclaren.

Seems it grows in Greece and India.........went a googling and found:

Basil was named after Basilik, the mythical Greek king of dragon snakes, whose
breath was so strong it could kill plants. For many, many years, basil was used
in religious ceremonies and in cooking. It was even grown in the windowsills of
houses to keep out flies.

More interestings tuff at:
