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Old 09-07-2005, 10:53 PM
Kenni Judd
Posts: n/a

Our 3 1/2 basics:

1. Bright light, and I do mean bright -- at least a few hours of direct
sun, other than at mid-day [and some, mostly the teretes and semi-teretes,
don't even mind noon-time sun].

2. Lots of water! Every day when it's hot, at least every other day even
when it's cool, and 2x/day won't hurt during the really hot times [assuming
they're grown "bare in the basket" which is most common down here]. Water
until roots turn green.

3. Keep 'em warm. We heat to 55F. Some will tolerate cooler, some gripe
even at that.

3 1/2. Feed frequently. On the watering schedule outlined above, 2x/week
is not too much when you're watering daily. [This one is 3 1/2 rather than
4 because it's far less important, but it will help.]
Kenni Judd
Juno Beach Orchids

"bob" wrote in message
Hi to all;

I have fallen in love with the blosooms of the Vanda. I live in S. E.
FL.Any info asppreciated.