Thread: Stock Photos
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Old 07-09-2005, 02:31 AM
K Barrett
Posts: n/a

The AOS had some nice line drawings you could use in newsletters....


I *was* going tosay that the AOS had some nice line drawings on their
homepage for use in newsleters BUT! The idiots went and re-worked their
page and you can't find anything on it. Small wonder no one goes there

Guess you're stuck with Ray's photos, Gene, LOL!!

Eric Hunt will probably let you use his photos, too, if you ask.

K Barrett

"Gene Schurg" wrote in message
I have to put together some signs for the member sales table for our show
next month. I thought I'd beef them up this year and put some pictures of
the flowers that correspond to the type of orchids. For example, at the

of the sign would be Cattleya Alliance and below that some representative
pictures from that group.

I remember somewhere (Yahoo?) where there were a bunch of stock photos of
orchids that anyone could use without violating copywrites. I can't
remember where that was located?

Anyone know this site (or another that has good photos that I can use)?
