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Old 17-08-2006, 03:55 PM posted to alt.atheism,alt.religion.christian,rec.gardens
Chris H. Fleming Chris H. Fleming is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 6
Default And some people say there's no God...

Samuel W. Heywood wrote:
On Thu, 17 Aug 2006, Tough Tonto wrote:

Last night just before bed, I looked out over my deck, and there
over the middle of it, was the most magnificent spider web ever
devised, shining in the spotlight. This wonder appeared perfectly
circular and was about the size--and very much resembled-- a
33 rpm phono record, with very precisely placed circular strands
close together with perfect symmetry. I still am not sure how
this little master builder anchored this creation; must've been the hedge
on one side and the chimney on the other, and maybe the deck; but
all this stuff was a good ways off, and the masterpiece was hanging
a good 8 feet over the deck. Another amazing thing is that we had
a heavy rainstorm not 3 hours earlier, so this beauty was designed and
built in less than 3 hours. So here we have a creature, with a brain maybe
the size of a grain of sand, and likely less than a year old, building
something any civil engineer would show with great pride. I got up to
pee around 3 a.m., looked out, and it was already gone.

Wonderful, but what does a nice spider web have to do with
some people saying "there's no God"? Do you think spiders somehow
resemble little gods?

He is making the point that spiders are superbly intelligent
designers, despite their very tiny brains.

.... so the gods have tiny brains?