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Old 29-09-2006, 05:54 PM posted to rec.gardens
Snooze[_1_] Snooze[_1_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 57
Default Basic insect spray

"John McWilliams" wrote in message
. ..
Hello- I am new here posting this week. I live in the near East Bay area
of SF, and have a few little flying things that light on the new growth of
my small leafed ivy, and fuschias, possibly other planst, and lay eggs.
The spray I have is 99% water and 1% petroleum product, but cost a
fortune! If there isn't something that's miles better, I'd just as soon
mix my own. What'd be safe and what'd be harmful?

You didn't say if these things are indoors or outdoors. In either case,
based on the way you described it, it could either be gnats or aphids. With
fungus gnats, especially with indoor plants, the easiest way to control them
is to reduce the moisture on the surface of the soil, and in the tray below
the pot, it's a bit harder to do this outside. But fungus gnats are more of
a nuisance then a harm.

Aphids have wings, can fly about, though rare, the safest way to control
them is dish soap + water +spray bottle.
Also make sure you also control the ant population, since Argentina ants
protect aphids from predators'. I've also been seeing a lot of grasshoppers
lately in the south bay.

It sounds like you've been using horticultural oil, or dormant oil. Consider
using something with a bit more oomph. If the last few days have been any
indication, fall is coming soon, and most of the bugs will die or go dormant
for the winter anyways.
