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Old 10-10-2007, 04:46 PM posted to aus.gardens
YMC YMC is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 96
Default Love the lack of water dont you?

Its all about voting for Labor.

Tell me why did Bracks flush down a large chunk of our water supply straight
down the sea?,00.html

Labor always screws up the country - look at the damage Whitlam, Cain,
Kirner, Keating (the recession-maker traitor) did.

John Howard is probably going to lose the election and Rudd and Gillard will
take power - then all of Australia will be under Labor control - even the
crazy councils.

Thank goodness, I've retired and paid off my mortgage. Actually, I'm kind of
looking forward to seeing Gillard as treasurer. After a few terms of Labor
in office - I can come back and buy investment properties.