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Old 23-04-2003, 12:36 PM
Charlie Pridham
Posts: n/a
Default Rejuvenating Clematis montana

"Hussein M." wrote in message
Hello helpful people,

It's a 'legacy' plant with the bole at ground level about six
inches across. It is supported on a SE facing brick wall and was
unfortunately given Jasminium nudiflorum as a companion and that was
un pruned for years. The J. n.'s habit has lifted the Clematis off the
wall to a distance of about 3 -4 feet which is very annoying as the
garden is small enough as it is. The Jasmine is definitely being moved
when I do something about the Clematis.

I know montanas are in the 'no need to prune group' but was
wondering if I could attack it now (after it has finished flowering).
Actually I don't mind if I end up killing it because it is very old in
the tooth and there are better climbers for a small garden.

I have a feeling that they're fairly indestructible. Am I right?

TIA (oops) grin - it is after all the easiest and most memorable


I usually reckon anything I can get loppers through is fair game, but if I
need a saw then I am pushing my luck! but you are correct they can be prune
after flowering and kept within bounds in even small gardens.

Charlie, gardening in Cornwall.
Holders of National Plant Collection of Clematis viticella (cvs)