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  #1   Report Post  
Old 02-05-2003, 12:44 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Worst time of he year for me!

I have a rose called "Promise", it is without a doubt the most
beautiful pink rose I have ever saw, it's color and texture is very
feminine, the long stem bud,as the pink begins to show,is just as
beautiful as th open rose. My 5 year old plant has 5 open and perhaps
another 6 or eight ready.

On my way back to the house, my Mr Lincoln has a 5" bloom, it is
majestic, it is the epitome of what a rose should look like- - -could
it be my fovorite?

On the otherhand, as I passed a twenty feet fence that has two 4 year
old "Don Juans" and perhaps 200 blooms, you could smell them two
blocks away, the fragrance was almost heavenly.

My two, 4 year old "Blaze" with their 10 feet canes are loaded with
literaly a thousand buds, and have began to burst open on the tips of
the canes- -they are not my favorite, they are family, I think.

My two year old JFK has two of the whitest bloom I think I have ever
seen,thoughit has a very beautiful bloom, I don't think it could ever
be my favorite, to me it represent a tragic time, that I remember so
very well.

Oh, I forgot to mention "Oklahoma", like some from Oklahoma, it is a
little slow this year- -but when it does come forth it will be
dyno-mite. It's bloom is almost black- -when it blooms, I'll think it
is my favorite, I'm sure.

My two ladies of ladies "Queen Elizabeths" are about 50% of full
bloom. Though they are beautiful, they could never be my favorite.
They remind me of one of my grandmothers. She was the classiest lady
I ever knew, but she was strict with children.

Really, I think my choice will have to be the "Promise", maybe
because I looked at it last- -what is your favorite rose, I'd like to

Have a good day, Roger
  #2   Report Post  
Old 02-05-2003, 03:08 PM
Ol' Thornfinger
Posts: n/a
Default Worst time of he year for me!

Oh, I forgot to mention "Oklahoma", like some from Oklahoma, it is a
little slow this year- -but when it does come forth it will be
dyno-mite. It's bloom is almost black- -when it blooms, I'll think it
is my favorite, I'm sure.

Definately one of mine. Mine's got about ten blooms open and maybe ten more,
ready to open.

Another one that looks real good right now is my Black Magic. Definately one
of the most perfectly formed flowers I've ever seen.

Other favorites of the moment:

Purple passion - nicely cupped and oh so sweet.
Chicago Peace - These blooms are giants!
Royal Majesty - Best smelling rose in my garden, I could keep my nose in
there all day...
Lavaglut - Just covered in thick petaled scarlet glory
Be-Bop - hundreds of blooms, can't even see the leaves

Just got a couple babies from Chamblee's just about ten minutes ago. Nice
little Cherokee and a Belinda's Dream.
Can't wait to get them in some dirt, might have to take off a bit early from
work today...[=o)

Zone 10 - South Florida

  #3   Report Post  
Old 03-05-2003, 02:08 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Worst time of he year for me!

On Fri, 2 May 2003 09:57:06 -0400, "Ol' Thornfinger"

Oh, I forgot to mention "Oklahoma", like some from Oklahoma, it is a
little slow this year- -but when it does come forth it will be
dyno-mite. It's bloom is almost black- -when it blooms, I'll think it
is my favorite, I'm sure.

Definately one of mine. Mine's got about ten blooms open and maybe ten more,
ready to open.

Another one that looks real good right now is my Black Magic. Definately one
of the most perfectly formed flowers I've ever seen.

Other favorites of the moment:

Purple passion - nicely cupped and oh so sweet.
Chicago Peace - These blooms are giants!
Royal Majesty - Best smelling rose in my garden, I could keep my nose in
there all day...
Lavaglut - Just covered in thick petaled scarlet glory
Be-Bop - hundreds of blooms, can't even see the leaves

Just got a couple babies from Chamblee's just about ten minutes ago. Nice
little Cherokee and a Belinda's Dream.
Can't wait to get them in some dirt, might have to take off a bit early from
work today...[=o)

Like your rose selection, I didn't have a purple rose in my garden
until yesterday. I know it is late, but I went to the nursery to buy
some vegie plants for my garden. Right in the isle stood a perfect
specimine- -no disease, full of buds, two gallon pot, smiling and
whispering, take me home. When I got it home my wife didn't whisper,
"You gave $12.99 for that!!!"- -Well, after 40 years it don't bother
me much- -anyway, I got my rose it is a "Fragrant Plumb", it is a
grand flora out of Weeks it Calif.

Have a good day-The oldtimer.
Zone 10 - South Florida

  #4   Report Post  
Old 18-05-2003, 08:20 PM
GamePlayer No. 1058
Posts: n/a
Default Worst time of he year for me!

I think my favorite rose is my J&P color magic rose. I dont know if it's
because it's the first rose I planted in my home when I bought it 9 or 10
years ago, or if it's because of it's beautifull 5 to 6" pink blooms. It
makes lovely cuttings last year and this year, for some reason the stems are
rather long last year and this year, easily14 to 24 inches with a beautiful
bloom at the top, and sometimes 5 or more blooms making it a cluster at the

My other favorite was my Mr Lincoln, it put out great blooms, but one of the
dogs got a mouthfull of thorns by trying to eat it, basically he destroyed
the plant and now it's gone to a better place.

Then there is the "wild climbing rose" that sprouted out of the ground one
day 2 years ago.
In almost the same spot, I had a yellow climber that grew up to about 12
feet or so, and I leased my house out, when I returned 2 years later the
yellow climber was gone, the tennants say that during a horrible wind storm
it was blown down, so they removed what was left of it, which they say didnt
amount to more than just a couple roots. 2 years later up came this
pathetic looking twig, I let it be to see what would become of it. I'ts now
well over 20feet long on it's longest vine and I've built a trellis system
around my patio to accomodate it, it grows up one side of the trellis and
then I had to put wood slats on the top to bend the branches over to make a
roof of it. When it blooms, IT REALLY BLOOMS, with hundreds of little red
roses. Whenever it's in bloom I use the french doors on the patio to enter
and leave the house, it's just so calming to walk into this area with all
these red blooms. This one should be my favorite just because it came up
out of nothing, and gives me such delight in enjoying the blooms, but
nostalgia has its place with me, and I think if I ever sell my house I'll
take the Color Magic with me.

Im going out to buy about 5 or 50 rose bushes today, I want to totally bring
my garden into grand color by this time next year.

"Oldtimer" wrote in message
: I have a rose called "Promise", it is without a doubt the most
: beautiful pink rose I have ever saw, it's color and texture is very
: feminine, the long stem bud,as the pink begins to show,is just as
: beautiful as th open rose. My 5 year old plant has 5 open and perhaps
: another 6 or eight ready.
: On my way back to the house, my Mr Lincoln has a 5" bloom, it is
: majestic, it is the epitome of what a rose should look like- - -could
: it be my fovorite?
: On the otherhand, as I passed a twenty feet fence that has two 4 year
: old "Don Juans" and perhaps 200 blooms, you could smell them two
: blocks away, the fragrance was almost heavenly.
: My two, 4 year old "Blaze" with their 10 feet canes are loaded with
: literaly a thousand buds, and have began to burst open on the tips of
: the canes- -they are not my favorite, they are family, I think.
: My two year old JFK has two of the whitest bloom I think I have ever
: seen,thoughit has a very beautiful bloom, I don't think it could ever
: be my favorite, to me it represent a tragic time, that I remember so
: very well.
: Oh, I forgot to mention "Oklahoma", like some from Oklahoma, it is a
: little slow this year- -but when it does come forth it will be
: dyno-mite. It's bloom is almost black- -when it blooms, I'll think it
: is my favorite, I'm sure.
: My two ladies of ladies "Queen Elizabeths" are about 50% of full
: bloom. Though they are beautiful, they could never be my favorite.
: They remind me of one of my grandmothers. She was the classiest lady
: I ever knew, but she was strict with children.
: Really, I think my choice will have to be the "Promise", maybe
: because I looked at it last- -what is your favorite rose, I'd like to
: know.
: Have a good day, Roger

  #5   Report Post  
Old 18-05-2003, 08:56 PM
dave weil
Posts: n/a
Default Worst time of he year for me!

On Sun, 18 May 2003 19:27:59 GMT, "GamePlayer No. 1058"

I think my favorite rose is my J&P color magic rose. I dont know if it's
because it's the first rose I planted in my home when I bought it 9 or 10
years ago, or if it's because of it's beautifull 5 to 6" pink blooms. It
makes lovely cuttings last year and this year, for some reason the stems are
rather long last year and this year, easily14 to 24 inches with a beautiful
bloom at the top, and sometimes 5 or more blooms making it a cluster at the

My other favorite was my Mr Lincoln, it put out great blooms, but one of the
dogs got a mouthfull of thorns by trying to eat it, basically he destroyed
the plant and now it's gone to a better place.

Then there is the "wild climbing rose" that sprouted out of the ground one
day 2 years ago.
In almost the same spot, I had a yellow climber that grew up to about 12
feet or so, and I leased my house out, when I returned 2 years later the
yellow climber was gone, the tennants say that during a horrible wind storm
it was blown down, so they removed what was left of it, which they say didnt
amount to more than just a couple roots. 2 years later up came this
pathetic looking twig, I let it be to see what would become of it. I'ts now
well over 20feet long on it's longest vine and I've built a trellis system
around my patio to accomodate it, it grows up one side of the trellis and
then I had to put wood slats on the top to bend the branches over to make a
roof of it. When it blooms, IT REALLY BLOOMS, with hundreds of little red
roses. Whenever it's in bloom I use the french doors on the patio to enter
and leave the house, it's just so calming to walk into this area with all
these red blooms. This one should be my favorite just because it came up
out of nothing, and gives me such delight in enjoying the blooms, but
nostalgia has its place with me, and I think if I ever sell my house I'll
take the Color Magic with me.

Im going out to buy about 5 or 50 rose bushes today, I want to totally bring
my garden into grand color by this time next year.

Please keep in mind that by planting this late in the season, next
year will only be an average year for color, because it won't be a
full second season, only a season and a half. However, it *will* give
you a jump on your *real* year two (year after next), which is usually
the year of the biggest general improvement. So you might have an even
better "second year" due to the half season this year.

Just don't want you to succumb to unreasonable expectations. Of
coruse, since you been growing roses 6 years longer than me, you might
already know this.

PS, if you like really long stem red roses, try Papa Meilland. I just
cut a bloom with a two foot long, nice straight thick stem. Currently,
Papa has 10 buds or blooms. Oh yeah, fragrance is really nice.

Here's a pic taken in November of last year!

  #6   Report Post  
Old 18-05-2003, 09:08 PM
GamePlayer No. 1058
Posts: n/a
Default Worst time of he year for me!

Im often suprised by my roses growth. Usually I do nothing but dig a hole
in the ground and stick them in it, water every now and then and see what
happens. So far (in this houses yard) it's been great. I put two bare root
roses in the ground last year (early), they were just dead when I did it
because the dog got to them before I could plant them, and ate away all the
roots but one large one. I stuck them in the ground like they were, no
soaking in water, nothing. This year they have outdone themselves. One of
them a yellow rose, that I dont have the tag for anymore is about 4 feet
tall really bushy, and has about 50 to 75 blooms sprouting everywhere. Very
beautiful. I seem to have good luck in this yard.

The only times I have problems growing roses, is in containers. I attempted
to line my driveway with potted roses, all of which died (except for the
ones that I ended up transplanting into the ground) due to the heat (zone
08A) of rather warm summers. Just couldnt keep the roots cool I think.

I dont know what it is, perhaps my ground is just extremely fertile. The
old owner of my house had 2 horses running loose in the yard for 7 years and
from what I hear was rather reluctant at cleaning up after them. So perhaps
those 7 years of horse manure really improved the fertilization of my land,
but that was 10 years ago. Or it could be that the roses that are doing
best are located over some leach pipes from the septic system and are
getting their water from them more times than from me, and perhaps some

I never get my hopes up with roses, if they do well, great, fantastic, if
not, well.... Bummer.

Thanks for the insite into the Papa Meilland, Im going to see if any of the
nurseries around here carry that.

"dave weil" wrote in message
: On Sun, 18 May 2003 19:27:59 GMT, "GamePlayer No. 1058"
: wrote:
: I think my favorite rose is my J&P color magic rose. I dont know if it's
: because it's the first rose I planted in my home when I bought it 9 or 10
: years ago, or if it's because of it's beautifull 5 to 6" pink blooms. It
: makes lovely cuttings last year and this year, for some reason the stems
: rather long last year and this year, easily14 to 24 inches with a
: bloom at the top, and sometimes 5 or more blooms making it a cluster at
: top.
: My other favorite was my Mr Lincoln, it put out great blooms, but one of
: dogs got a mouthfull of thorns by trying to eat it, basically he
: the plant and now it's gone to a better place.
: Then there is the "wild climbing rose" that sprouted out of the ground
: day 2 years ago.
: In almost the same spot, I had a yellow climber that grew up to about 12
: feet or so, and I leased my house out, when I returned 2 years later the
: yellow climber was gone, the tennants say that during a horrible wind
: it was blown down, so they removed what was left of it, which they say
: amount to more than just a couple roots. 2 years later up came this
: pathetic looking twig, I let it be to see what would become of it. I'ts
: well over 20feet long on it's longest vine and I've built a trellis
: around my patio to accomodate it, it grows up one side of the trellis and
: then I had to put wood slats on the top to bend the branches over to make
: roof of it. When it blooms, IT REALLY BLOOMS, with hundreds of little
: roses. Whenever it's in bloom I use the french doors on the patio to
: and leave the house, it's just so calming to walk into this area with all
: these red blooms. This one should be my favorite just because it came up
: out of nothing, and gives me such delight in enjoying the blooms, but
: nostalgia has its place with me, and I think if I ever sell my house I'll
: take the Color Magic with me.
: Im going out to buy about 5 or 50 rose bushes today, I want to totally
: my garden into grand color by this time next year.
: Please keep in mind that by planting this late in the season, next
: year will only be an average year for color, because it won't be a
: full second season, only a season and a half. However, it *will* give
: you a jump on your *real* year two (year after next), which is usually
: the year of the biggest general improvement. So you might have an even
: better "second year" due to the half season this year.
: Just don't want you to succumb to unreasonable expectations. Of
: coruse, since you been growing roses 6 years longer than me, you might
: already know this.
: PS, if you like really long stem red roses, try Papa Meilland. I just
: cut a bloom with a two foot long, nice straight thick stem. Currently,
: Papa has 10 buds or blooms. Oh yeah, fragrance is really nice.
: Here's a pic taken in November of last year!

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