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  #1   Report Post  
Old 07-01-2010, 09:25 PM posted to uk.politics.misc,,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 7
Default Met office lies
January 6th, 2010
Gerald Warner:

Wow! That Copenhagen package really worked. Global warming has been
dramatically reversed. In fact, if Al Gore could see his way to turning
the heat back up just a little, most of us would be deeply appreciative…

“Climate science” is the oxymoron of the century. There is not a city,
town or hamlet in the country that has had its weather conditions
correctly forecast, over periods as short as 12 hours, during the past
week. This is the “exceptionally mild winter” that the climate change
buffoons warned us would occur as a consequence of global warming. Their
credibility is 20 degrees below zero.

Yet nothing shames them, nothing persuades them to come out of the bunker
with their hands high and “fess up”. Patronisingly fobbing off the
public with fabricated excuses has become second nature to them. Latterly
they have been concocting alibis about the Gulf Stream to explain
Britain’s Arctic conditions. Uh-huh? Is it the Gulf Stream that has
frozen the Vistula and given Poland a temperature of –25C? Is it the
Gulf Stream that has caused the worst blizzards in Beijing since 1951?

The entire Northern Hemisphere is frozen. The world looks like a Christmas
pudding with icing on the top. That is completely normal, part of the
random climate fluctuations with which our ancestors were familiar. Yet
fraudulent scientists have gained millions of pounds by taking selective
samples of natural climate change, whipping up a Grande Peur and using it
to advance the cause of world government, state control and fiscal
despoliation of citizens.

2010 should be the year when all that ends. It is time for Zero Tolerance
of AGW fraudsters and their political masters. It is time to say: Green
taxes? We won’t pay them. Nor will we vote for or permit to remain in
office any politician or party that supports the AGW fraud. This year is
one of those rare occasions when we have an opportunity to punish and
control our political masters – provided Britons have the will to break
with the two-party system.

Due to the rise of smaller parties – itself the consequence of the
misgovernment of the Lab/Lib/Con consensus – it is a buyer’s market.
The rule of thumb should be: any party that supports the global warming
scam is ineligible for our votes. It doesn’t matter how ingrained
one’s loyalty may once have been to one of the “major” parties, the
time has come to impose the popular will on politicians who have learned,
since the abolition of capital punishment in 1965, that by forming an
anti-democratic consensus they can dictate to the public.

The coming general election is going to be an intelligence test. If people
realise that voting for the slightly less objectionable choice gets them
nowhere, that by holding out for what they really want they can actually
obtain it, then we may be able to liberate ourselves from the tree-hugging
New/Blue Labour consensus. If we fail to rise to that challenge we shall
forfeit the right to complain about five more years of PC oppression. That
is the answer: Zero Tolerance of “Green” agendas.
  #2   Report Post  
Old 07-01-2010, 09:55 PM posted to uk.politics.misc,,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2010
Posts: 1
Default Met office lies

Dead Paul wrote:
January 6th, 2010
Gerald Warner:

Wow! That Copenhagen package really worked. Global warming has been
dramatically reversed. In fact, if Al Gore could see his way to turning
the heat back up just a little, most of us would be deeply appreciative…

“Climate science” is the oxymoron of the century. There is not a city,
town or hamlet in the country that has had its weather conditions
correctly forecast, over periods as short as 12 hours, during the past
week. This is the “exceptionally mild winter” that the climate change
buffoons warned us would occur as a consequence of global warming. Their
credibility is 20 degrees below zero.

Yet nothing shames them, nothing persuades them to come out of the bunker
with their hands high and “fess up”. Patronisingly fobbing off the
public with fabricated excuses has become second nature to them. Latterly
they have been concocting alibis about the Gulf Stream to explain
Britain’s Arctic conditions. Uh-huh? Is it the Gulf Stream that has
frozen the Vistula and given Poland a temperature of –25C? Is it the
Gulf Stream that has caused the worst blizzards in Beijing since 1951?

The entire Northern Hemisphere is frozen. The world looks like a Christmas
pudding with icing on the top. That is completely normal, part of the
random climate fluctuations with which our ancestors were familiar. Yet
fraudulent scientists have gained millions of pounds by taking selective
samples of natural climate change, whipping up a Grande Peur and using it
to advance the cause of world government, state control and fiscal
despoliation of citizens.

2010 should be the year when all that ends. It is time for Zero Tolerance
of AGW fraudsters and their political masters. It is time to say: Green
taxes? We won’t pay them. Nor will we vote for or permit to remain in
office any politician or party that supports the AGW fraud. This year is
one of those rare occasions when we have an opportunity to punish and
control our political masters – provided Britons have the will to break
with the two-party system.

Due to the rise of smaller parties – itself the consequence of the
misgovernment of the Lab/Lib/Con consensus – it is a buyer’s market.
The rule of thumb should be: any party that supports the global warming
scam is ineligible for our votes. It doesn’t matter how ingrained
one’s loyalty may once have been to one of the “major” parties, the
time has come to impose the popular will on politicians who have learned,
since the abolition of capital punishment in 1965, that by forming an
anti-democratic consensus they can dictate to the public.

The coming general election is going to be an intelligence test. If people
realise that voting for the slightly less objectionable choice gets them
nowhere, that by holding out for what they really want they can actually
obtain it, then we may be able to liberate ourselves from the tree-hugging
New/Blue Labour consensus. If we fail to rise to that challenge we shall
forfeit the right to complain about five more years of PC oppression. That
is the answer: Zero Tolerance of “Green” agendas.

Very refreshing to finally read this in the mainstream media.
  #3   Report Post  
Old 07-01-2010, 09:57 PM posted to uk.politics.misc,,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2010
Posts: 1
Default Met office lies

"Dead Paul" wrote in message
January 6th, 2010
Gerald Warner:

Wow! That Copenhagen package really worked. Global warming has been
dramatically reversed. In fact, if Al Gore could see his way to turning
the heat back up just a little, most of us would be deeply appreciative…

“Climate science” is the oxymoron of the century. There is not a city,
town or hamlet in the country that has had its weather conditions
correctly forecast, over periods as short as 12 hours, during the past
week. This is the “exceptionally mild winter” that the climate change
buffoons warned us would occur as a consequence of global warming. Their
credibility is 20 degrees below zero.

BBC Radio 4 news was pressed into service earlier today to explain the
conundrum to increasingly sceptical plebs.

The 6pm bulletin went to some lengths to explain that what we are now
experiencing is 'weather' - but that the grave problem of 'climate' still

Here's sobering link to the plight of Peruvian Indians - who are suffering
badly from increasingly long and bitter winters.

The suffering of their children is airily ascribed to the Indian's own
'micro climate', which has produced freezing temperatures in a rapidly
warming world.

I can foresee 'microclimate' becoming the explanation of choice when the
Warmist's are confronted by growing evidence that things are getting colder,
not hotter.

This snow, for example, is just down to the UK's microclimate.....

  #4   Report Post  
Old 07-01-2010, 10:57 PM posted to uk.politics.misc,,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2009
Posts: 5
Default Met office lies

On Thu, 07 Jan 2010 21:25:37 +0000, Dead Paul wrote:
January 6th, 2010
Gerald Warner:

Wow! That Copenhagen package really worked. Global warming has been
dramatically reversed. In fact, if Al Gore could see his way to turning
the heat back up just a little, most of us would be deeply appreciative…

“Climate science” is the oxymoron of the century. There is not a city,
town or hamlet in the country that has had its weather conditions
correctly forecast, over periods as short as 12 hours, during the past

Meh, all this does is reaffirm the old saying that Britain has weather, not
  #5   Report Post  
Old 08-01-2010, 07:05 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2010
Posts: 9
Default Met office lies

Dead Paul wrote:

Fred wrote:
Very refreshing to finally read this in the mainstream media.

Yeah, that's about what I would expect from "the mainstream media", and
the Telegraph in particular: don't know the difference between climate
and weather.

  #6   Report Post  
Old 08-01-2010, 07:42 AM posted to uk.politics.misc,,,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2009
Posts: 8
Default Met office lies

On 8 Jan, 02:16, abelard wrote:

here's my own background page on the dendroclimatology....
but i'll just work to understand enough to be able to assess the
* * *factor analysis...

Once again a valueless link I'm afraid. Messy, almost unreadable page
which contains no reference to source.
whatever it is, it ain't science. Don't give up the day job!

  #7   Report Post  
Old 08-01-2010, 07:52 AM posted to uk.politics.misc,,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2010
Posts: 35
Default Met office lies

On 7 Jan, 21:55, Fred wrote:
Dead Paul wrote:
January 6th, 2010
Gerald Warner:

Wow! That Copenhagen package really worked. Global warming has been
dramatically reversed. In fact, if Al Gore could see his way to turning
the heat back up just a little, most of us would be deeply appreciative

Climate science is the oxymoron of the century. There is not a city,
town or hamlet in the country that has had its weather conditions
correctly forecast, over periods as short as 12 hours, during the past
week. This is the exceptionally mild winter that the climate change
buffoons warned us would occur as a consequence of global warming. Their
credibility is 20 degrees below zero.

Yet nothing shames them, nothing persuades them to come out of the bunker
with their hands high and fess up. Patronisingly fobbing off the
public with fabricated excuses has become second nature to them. Latterly
they have been concocting alibis about the Gulf Stream to explain
Britains Arctic conditions. Uh-huh? Is it the Gulf Stream that has
frozen the Vistula and given Poland a temperature of 25C? Is it the
Gulf Stream that has caused the worst blizzards in Beijing since 1951?

The entire Northern Hemisphere is frozen. The world looks like a Christmas
pudding with icing on the top. That is completely normal, part of the
random climate fluctuations with which our ancestors were familiar. Yet
fraudulent scientists have gained millions of pounds by taking selective
samples of natural climate change, whipping up a Grande Peur and using it
to advance the cause of world government, state control and fiscal
despoliation of citizens.

2010 should be the year when all that ends. It is time for Zero Tolerance
of AGW fraudsters and their political masters. It is time to say: Green
taxes? We wont pay them. Nor will we vote for or permit to remain in
office any politician or party that supports the AGW fraud. This year is
one of those rare occasions when we have an opportunity to punish and
control our political masters provided Britons have the will to break
with the two-party system.

Due to the rise of smaller parties itself the consequence of the
misgovernment of the Lab/Lib/Con consensus it is a buyers market..
The rule of thumb should be: any party that supports the global warming
scam is ineligible for our votes. It doesnt matter how ingrained
ones loyalty may once have been to one of the major parties, the
time has come to impose the popular will on politicians who have learned,
since the abolition of capital punishment in 1965, that by forming an
anti-democratic consensus they can dictate to the public.

The coming general election is going to be an intelligence test. If people
realise that voting for the slightly less objectionable choice gets them
nowhere, that by holding out for what they really want they can actually
obtain it, then we may be able to liberate ourselves from the tree-hugging
New/Blue Labour consensus. If we fail to rise to that challenge we shall
forfeit the right to complain about five more years of PC oppression. That
is the answer: Zero Tolerance of Green agendas.

Very refreshing to finally read this in the mainstream media.

Yes you can carry on with your polluting now with a clear conscience,
until the next warm spell.

BTW, check this out, particularly the maps.

  #8   Report Post  
Old 08-01-2010, 09:08 AM posted to uk.politics.misc,,,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2010
Posts: 7
Default Met office lies

abelard wrote:

i'm not greatly interested in 'weather'....

and it's running me into stuff like the amo
i've just put this by to read 'soon' :-

That relates to weather effects as the oscillation frequency is too
high for 30-year climate effects.

"Arctic Oscillation
Sometimes called the northern hemisphere annular mode, this is the
year-to-year variability pf weather patterns at high latitudes in the
northern hemisphere"

"The two phases of the Arctic Oscillation: Left– Warm Phase; Right–
Cold Phase. Notice that storms come ashore in Europe at different
latitudes in the two phases. This strongly influences European
weather, especially in winter. "

(Graph): The Pacific Decadal Oscillation is related to weather over
north America

"Positive PDO values are usually associated with wetter conditions in
the Southwestern United States, while negative PDO values
are suggestive of persistent drought in the Southwest."

The word 'climate' desn't appear 'til near the end, and then it's in
an oblique reference to something else.

here's my own background page on the dendroclimatology....
but i'll just work to understand enough to be able to assess the
factor analysis...

One shudders to think what primary colours it might be written in.

Kim Bolton
  #9   Report Post  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:14 AM posted to uk.politics.misc,,,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2009
Posts: 8
Default Met office lies

On 8 Jan, 09:08, Kim Bolton wrote:
abelard wrote:

i'm not greatly interested in 'weather'....

and it's running me into stuff like the amo
i've just put this by to read 'soon' :-

That relates to weather effects as the oscillation frequency is too
high for 30-year climate effects.

"Arctic Oscillation
Sometimes called the northern hemisphere annular mode, this is the
year-to-year variability pf weather patterns at high latitudes in the
northern hemisphere"

"The two phases of the Arctic Oscillation: Left Warm Phase; Right
Cold Phase. Notice that storms come ashore in Europe at different
latitudes in the two phases. This strongly influences European
weather, especially in winter. "

(Graph): The Pacific Decadal Oscillation is related to weather over
north America

"Positive PDO values are usually associated with wetter conditions in
the Southwestern United States, while negative PDO values
are suggestive of persistent drought in the Southwest."

The word 'climate' desn't appear 'til near the end, and then it's in
an oblique reference to something else.

here's my own background page on the dendroclimatology....
but i'll just work to understand enough to be able to assess the
* * factor analysis...

One shudders to think what primary colours it might be written in.

Kim Bolton

Did anybody see this?

"John Hirst, head of the Met Office, defends the record of the
weathermen after they predicted a mild winter.

Andrew Neil asked him to justify his salary which is higher than the
prime minister's."

Oh how he wriggles....
  #10   Report Post  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:31 AM posted to uk.politics.misc,,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,262
Default Met office lies

Dead Paul wrote:
January 6th, 2010
Gerald Warner:

Wow! That Copenhagen package really worked. Global warming has been
dramatically reversed. In fact, if Al Gore could see his way to turning
the heat back up just a little, most of us would be deeply appreciative…

“Climate science” is the oxymoron of the century. There is not a city,
town or hamlet in the country that has had its weather conditions
correctly forecast, over periods as short as 12 hours, during the past
week. This is the “exceptionally mild winter” that the climate change
buffoons warned us would occur as a consequence of global warming. Their
credibility is 20 degrees below zero.

Another drooling right wing nut who cannot tell the difference between
weather and climate spouting off in the Torygraph. I guess the Telegraph
knows their target market of senile halfwits only too well.

The weather at the moment is roughly what we should have at this
latitude were it not for the warming influence of the Altantic and Gulf
Stream and our normal prevailing SW wind pattern.

Global warming means the *global* average gets higher. It does not mean
that everywhere gets slightly warmer by the same amount. We could very
well be losers. UK climate is abnormally warm for its high latitude.

Were it not for the UK maritime influence on climate Birmingham and
Manchester would expect to have weather like Edmonton in Canada which is
at a roughly similar latitude. And that is basically what we end up with
when the wind blows directly off the cold NE continental land mass.

Most gardeners are already well aware of climate change, at least if
they keep records of when things come into flower.

Martin Brown

  #11   Report Post  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:42 AM posted to,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 780
Default Met office lies

"broadssailor" wrote in message
On 8 Jan, 09:08, Kim Bolton wrote:
abelard wrote:

i'm not greatly interested in 'weather'....

and it's running me into stuff like the amo
i've just put this by to read 'soon' :-

That relates to weather effects as the oscillation frequency is too
high for 30-year climate effects.

"Arctic Oscillation
Sometimes called the northern hemisphere annular mode, this is the
year-to-year variability pf weather patterns at high latitudes in the
northern hemisphere"

"The two phases of the Arctic Oscillation: Left Warm Phase; Right
Cold Phase. Notice that storms come ashore in Europe at different
latitudes in the two phases. This strongly influences European
weather, especially in winter. "

(Graph): The Pacific Decadal Oscillation is related to weather over
north America

"Positive PDO values are usually associated with wetter conditions in
the Southwestern United States, while negative PDO values
are suggestive of persistent drought in the Southwest."

The word 'climate' desn't appear 'til near the end, and then it's in
an oblique reference to something else.

here's my own background page on the dendroclimatology....
but i'll just work to understand enough to be able to assess the
factor analysis...

One shudders to think what primary colours it might be written in.

Kim Bolton

Did anybody see this?

"John Hirst, head of the Met Office, defends the record of the
weathermen after they predicted a mild winter.

Andrew Neil asked him to justify his salary which is higher than the
prime minister's."

That would be the same prime minister who as chancellor, told us that the
current bust couldn't happen because he was so shit hot, and told us as PM
that we were better placed to recover from it when it happened, and that we
would come out of recession before other countries, again because he was so
wonderful, yes?


  #12   Report Post  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:58 AM posted to uk.politics.misc,,,uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2009
Posts: 5
Default Met office lies

On Fri, 8 Jan 2010 02:14:45 -0800 (PST), broadssailor wrote:
On 8 Jan, 09:08, Kim Bolton wrote:
abelard wrote:

i'm not greatly interested in 'weather'....

and it's running me into stuff like the amo
i've just put this by to read 'soon' :-

That relates to weather effects as the oscillation frequency is too
high for 30-year climate effects.

"Arctic Oscillation
Sometimes called the northern hemisphere annular mode, this is the
year-to-year variability pf weather patterns at high latitudes in the
northern hemisphere"

"The two phases of the Arctic Oscillation: Left– Warm Phase; Right–
Cold Phase. Notice that storms come ashore in Europe at different
latitudes in the two phases. This strongly influences European
weather, especially in winter. "

(Graph): The Pacific Decadal Oscillation is related to weather over
north America

"Positive PDO values are usually associated with wetter conditions in
the Southwestern United States, while negative PDO values
are suggestive of persistent drought in the Southwest."

The word 'climate' desn't appear 'til near the end, and then it's in
an oblique reference to something else.

here's my own background page on the dendroclimatology....
but i'll just work to understand enough to be able to assess the
* * factor analysis...

One shudders to think what primary colours it might be written in.

Kim Bolton

Did anybody see this?

"John Hirst, head of the Met Office, defends the record of the
weathermen after they predicted a mild winter.

Andrew Neil asked him to justify his salary which is higher than the
prime minister's."

Oh how he wriggles....

Hardly surprising: he's merely a manager, not a forecaster. I would
expect his bonus was paid after he met (or exceeded) soem management
targets, such as cost savings, delivering some major projects or the
like. Not how good his employees were at guessing what sort of weather
we were going to get - everyone knows that any forecast for more than
3 days ahead is pretty close to random chance, and always will be.
This sounds like a cheap shot.
  #13   Report Post  
Old 08-01-2010, 11:07 AM posted to uk.politics.misc,,,uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2009
Posts: 2
Default Met office lies

On Jan 8, 11:14*am, broadssailor wrote:
On 8 Jan, 09:08, Kim Bolton wrote:

abelard wrote:

i'm not greatly interested in 'weather'....

and it's running me into stuff like the amo
i've just put this by to read 'soon' :-

That relates to weather effects as the oscillation frequency is too
high for 30-year climate effects.

"Arctic Oscillation
Sometimes called the northern hemisphere annular mode, this is the
year-to-year variability pf weather patterns at high latitudes in the
northern hemisphere"

"The two phases of the Arctic Oscillation: Left Warm Phase; Right
Cold Phase. Notice that storms come ashore in Europe at different
latitudes in the two phases. This strongly influences European
weather, especially in winter. "

(Graph): The Pacific Decadal Oscillation is related to weather over
north America

"Positive PDO values are usually associated with wetter conditions in
the Southwestern United States, while negative PDO values
are suggestive of persistent drought in the Southwest."

The word 'climate' desn't appear 'til near the end, and then it's in
an oblique reference to something else.

here's my own background page on the dendroclimatology....
but i'll just work to understand enough to be able to assess the
* * factor analysis...

One shudders to think what primary colours it might be written in.

Kim Bolton

Did anybody see this?

"John Hirst, head of the Met Office, defends the record of the
weathermen after they predicted a mild winter.

Andrew Neil asked him to justify his salary which is higher than the
prime minister's."

Oh how he wriggles....

You can see how dry his throat was. :-)
  #14   Report Post  
Old 08-01-2010, 11:16 AM posted to uk.politics.misc,,,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,093
Default Met office lies

"broadssailor" wrote in message

Did anybody see this?

Yes I did.

"John Hirst, head of the Met Office, defends the record of the
weathermen after they predicted a mild winter.

Andrew Neil asked him to justify his salary which is higher than the
prime minister's."

Oh how he wriggles....

....and made himself look a right pratt!!!


  #15   Report Post  
Old 08-01-2010, 11:17 AM posted to uk.politics.misc,,,uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,093
Default Met office lies

"pete" wrote in message
Hardly surprising: he's merely a manager, not a forecaster. I would
expect his bonus was paid after he met (or exceeded) soem management
targets, such as cost savings, delivering some major projects or the
like. Not how good his employees were at guessing what sort of weather
we were going to get - everyone knows that any forecast for more than
3 days ahead is pretty close to random chance, and always will be.
This sounds like a cheap shot.

Then they ought not send in a 'mere' manager to present a forecaster's pov.

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